- Added "Center Location" setting. This is used in the new "/em playat "command.
- Added the Play At command:
Code (Text):
/em playat <category> <name> <world> <x> <y> <z>
This plays a show at a certain location, relative to the Center Location setting.
- Fixed Falling Block effect placing real blocks.
- Made falling block system less laggy and more secure.
- The /em cancel command now also cancels editing sessions for show settings.
- Added -p parameter to the custom train carts sign. If this parameter is active, it'll only play the show when there are passengers in the train.
The next update will feature tools to edit parameters to make the show creation process a lot quicker. I wanted to implement it in this update but because this update also features some safety changes I wanted to push it first. (
@Kittle )