This is a really cool update where some of you may have waited a long time for but here it is, this version adds tab completion on all commands + one extra commands that can be used to add/remove/edit items inside the shop.
You do not need to change anything when updating to 3.0, the shops.yml config will be automaticly updated and there will be a backup of your old shops config inside the backups folder from EconomyShopGUI. However, if you want the newly translated messages that come with this update, remove it and restart your server.
- "/editshop" command to edit the shop from ingame, currently only items can be edited.
- New permissions to use the editshop command, all permissions can be found on the EconomyShopGUI wiki or on the plugin page.
- Tab completion on all commands. (except /bal and /sreload)
- Option inside the config to enable/disable the EXP dropped when spawners are mined. For this to work, EconomyShopGUI needs to be the spawner provider.
- Finnally added the posibility to add multiple enchaments and potion effects on a single item. The old 'enchantment' and 'potiontype' option are now replaced with option 'enchantments' and 'potiontypes' that can both take a list of values.
- Added a file updater, when a config is outdated for the new version of the plugin this will update the complete file so it still works in the new version. When a file is being updated, there will be first made a backup of the old file so you can always go back if something happens. (This uses the config version to work, so its inportant you have it already inside your config and didn't toutch it before updating)
- All 30 new messages to every language file (exept 'pt' and 'cz' bcs those are not updated anymore), every message can be customized in the language file.
- Higher priority on the spawner place and break event to prevent other plugins from canceling it.
- Cleanup of the Main Shop, Buy Scrren, Sell Screen, Buy Stacks Screen inventory titles. Remove language files to see changes.
- Error on joinevent of EconomyShopGUI
- Players could click a hotbar number so that the item ends up in the shop.
- Players could click a hotbar number + press escape on the same time when inside a shop section and a random item from the shop would glitch inside the player's inventory.
- Mushroom spawner not working with SilkSpawners compatibility enabled
- If a spawner was being mined it would get the default displayname from EconomyShopGUI, now the spawner will get the same name from when the spawner is bought from shop. Option 'name' on the item inside the shops.yml is used for this feature and can be modified.
- The /shop <section> command now doesn't need to have the permission to work, this will allow server owners to disable the /shop command and only allow the /shop <section> command for certain groups.
- All spawners in the default shops config now have option 'name' instead of displayname.
- Both menu handlers inside EconomyShopGUI. Now the event will be canceled when the inventory clicked is not a inventory from EconomyShopGUI. This will improve performance for your minecraft server.
- Unnecessary event that would run when a spwaner is getting renamed inside a Anvil. (This is no longer needed since ESGUI checks for NBT data instead of the displayname for the spawner to work)
As usual, if you find any bug/need support, join our live discord support server and we will answer you there.
Happy holidays!