This update is very important, please read it fully! If you are confused, contact me or look at the wiki. We are also looking for beta testers! Join the discord if you are interested.
Added support for multiple rewards for a block type. NOTE:This has changed the formatting of blocks.yml - The plugin should automatically convert this file, so please have a backup just in case.
Previous Formatting:
Code (YAML):
COAL_ORE: '10'
New Formatting:
Code (YAML):
COAL_ORE: - '10'
Added a configuration version to keep track of.
Code (YAML):
# Configuration of Econoblocks. For help, visit config-version: 5
Added more placeholders in language.yml.
Code (YAML):
# {0} prints out the money made. # {1} prints out the base before multipliers are added. # {2} prints the multiplier. economy-given: "&7You've earned &f${0} &7by mining this block. &7&o({1} x {2})"