EasyCommands icon

EasyCommands -----

This plugin adds some easy to use commands. ex: gmc, gms, gma, gmsp for gamemode switching and more!


<> < required () < optional
- report feature
- /report <player> (reason) < /report <player> to open the gui with all reasons or /report <player> (reason) to choose a reason in the command
- /reports opens a gui with all active reports
- all staff with the easycommands.reports.reportnotify permission get a message to <view|deny|accept|teleport(suspect)> with a click
- And more you can see the permissions in the text on the spigot page
- report cooldown editable in the config

- settings feature
- /settings to open the settings gui with 3 settings (I am working on more)
- logs settings if you have the easycommands.logs you get logs you can toggle to get the logs without removing your permission
- adminlogs settings same as above but with the admin logs
- recieve msgs you can toggle to get private messages or not

- staffhelp
- do /staffhelp <reason> to notify all staff with the easycommands.staff permission they will get a message with the reason why you need help it has 2 buttons. message button and teleport button self explanitory

- sudo
- /sudo <message|command> <player> let a player run a command or say something

- fly
- /fly toggle fly

- broadcast
- /broadcast <message> send a broadcast message to all online players can be run in console and the prefix is editable in the config

- chat channels feature
- create custom chat channels in the config with permissions, prefix and the command
- custom command. if you want a devchat you can make the command /devchat and /dvc this is fully customizable and it registers the command aka you can see the command
- custom permission the permission is also fully customizable.
- create as many chat channels as you want!

- gamemode
- /gamemode <type> (player) this can be run in console and ingame and you can set your own gamemode or other people their gamemode

these are guis that you normally need a item for
- /loom
- /craft
- /smithingtable
- /furnace
- /cartography
- /anvil

- kill command update
/kill <mob|player> <type|*|player> you can kill a mob type or a player or with the * you can kill all mobs or all players

- tpa/tpahere
- /tpa to tpa to a player
- /tpahere to request someone to teleport to you
- /tpaccept accept a tpa request
- cooldown for a request to the same player

updated files:
- config.yml
- message.yml
- 2 new files > reports.txt and settings.txt < reports saves the reports that are active and settings saves the settings per player

added in the config:
Code (Text):
broadcastprefix: "&f[&9Broadcast&f] &f" #Prefix for the broadcast messages!

reportcooldown: 5 minutes # you can use: seconds, minutes, hours, and days
reportreasons: # Report reasons here!
  - Spamming
  - Advertising
  - Cheating
  - Discrimination
  - Death-Wishes
  - Dox-Threatening
  - Harassment
  - Impersonation
  - Inappropriate-Content
  - Insulting
  - NSFW-Material
  - Staff-disrespect
  - inappropriate-behavior
  - inappropriate-items/teamnames
  - inappropriate-skin

      - /staffchat
      - /sc
    prefix: "&f[&9StaffChat&f]:"
    permission: easycommands.chat.staff
      - /adminchat
      - /adc
    prefix: "&f[&cAdminChat&f]:"
    permission: easycommands.chat.admin

added in the message:

Code (Text):
flightenabled: '%prefix% &9Flight enabled'
flightdisabled: '%prefix% &9Flight disabled'
staffhelp: '%prefix% &9You have requested help from staff. They will reply/fix your
  problem soon!'

These are all the changelogs
----------, Jan 12, 2025


- Chatcolor function.
/chatcolor to open a gui!
permissions per chatcolor/option such ass italic, bold, underline, gold, blue etc.
gui to choose your chatcolor
reset button
- Item function.
- pickup function
/pickup (player) <autopickup, autosmelt> (with tabcompletion)
/pickup opens a gui with 2 options to toggle the functions
per pickup function a permission:
easycommands.pickup.* (all permissions for the pickup feature)
- prefix in messages.
there are now prefixes for every message in messages.yml
just update the top one and you have your prefix for all messages or remove the %prefix% placeholder from every message for no prefixes. If you download this you have to delete the messages file and restart the server or copy the text from the template on the spigot page and do /easycommands reload ingame
- private message.
/msg (player) (message) or diferent aliasses. you can use this to send a private message to a player\
- bug fixes.

These are all the new features/updates
prefix ↓

Have fun!
----------, Dec 26, 2024

New features + Bug fixes

  • Maintenance function.
  • /maintenance on/off toggle the maintenance
  • /maintenance add/remove Add a player to the whitelist or remove a player
  • /maintenance kickall kick all the players that are not on the maintenance whitelist
  • Config Update
  • Now there are options to customize in the config!
  • Bug fixes
  • /kick command. This will also show up in /getlogs and send a message to everyone that has the easycommands.kick permissions
Have fun!
----------, Dec 22, 2024

Bug fixes + a new feature!

- In config there is now a option to disable/enable the updatchecker. I am working on more options
- There is now a option to do /getlogs <player> you get a list off logs the player did. If someone has the permission easycommands.logs or easycommands.logs.admin you get the logs for /gmc or other commands. Those are now stored and you can look back. It has multiple pages and you can see when someone did the command.

- /tpall had a error that is fixed now
- Warp messages are now added.
- And more bug fixes

There were a lot of bugs and I am sorry for that. I hoped that all bugs are now fixed.

Have fun!
----------, Dec 20, 2024

Bug fixes!

- updatechecker was just totally not working I am sorry for that it is fixed now and I tested it really well this time!
- invsee dind had the placeholder. that is fixed now you can use %target% in the message!

Good luck!
----------, Dec 12, 2024

  • /warp
  • /setwarp
  • /delwarp
  • /delwarpall (can only be done trough console)
  • new file called: "warps.yml"
    /easycommands reload also reloads all the warps
    There is a MASIVE update. there are now warps with a gui!
    If you do /warp it opens a gui with all warps but you can also just do /warp (name). I have worked hard for this future and I am proud off it
    there is now also a updatechecker. That means that if I drop a new version you get a message ingame that there is a new version!
----------, Dec 11, 2024

I added 1.20.6 compactability so now it is 1.21 and 1.20.6
I am working on more versions!
Source code is also released!
----------, Dec 8, 2024

New command:
I don't think you have seen this command before it is /copyinventory. /copyinventory is a new command. if you run the command with a target ex: /copyinv clearedspore you will get a warning and then if you run the command again you will clear your own inventory and get the exact inventory off your target.
----------, Dec 7, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 184
First Release: Dec 7, 2024
Last Update: Jan 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings