It is recommended to
delete the config.yml file (to access the new options).
New inventory with predefined reports: Fully customizable with a new .yml file named "PredefinedReports.yml".
New option for reports: Now, by right-clicking on reports, you can mark them as "processing". This will send a notification to the player who made the report, letting them know that the staff is active. This feature can be disabled in config.yml.
Penalty notifications: When you delete all reports for a player, the plugin will automatically send a notification to all players who reported them, informing them that the reported player has received a penalty. This feature can also be disabled in config.yml.
New Bungee-Mode: You must activate this if you are using a network and MySQL. This ensures that all notifications are sent correctly between servers.
I know the changes might seem simple, but the internal code changes and optimizations were significant. I apologize for taking so long to add these new features, as I know many of you requested them some time ago. I hope you enjoy this new version!
In previous versions the plugin was not compatible with Java 8, but now it is and many more people will be able to use it! (Just because it is compatible with Java 8 does not mean that it will no longer be compatible with Java 16, 17 and others)
When a user uses: "/report (user)" if they do not enter a reason, a personalized menu will open that you can configure to your liking with predefined reports, so that the user just clicks and the report is sent!
In this latest update, the report saving format is changed, using json. In addition, the code is greatly optimized, many new functions are added and many bugs are fixed. Now you can use it on your Bungeecord network through MySQL!!!