Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover icon

Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover -----

Provided fixes for several vanilla bugs that allow players to dupe on your server.

Updates and Improvements
Misc Updates:
1) Switched IllegalStack to use the latest version of ShopGUI+'s api.

Protection Changes:
RemoveItemsOfType -
a) You can now use item id's and data values for this protection (only affects older versions of minecraft).
b) Blacklisted items will now be detected when moved by hoppers, dispensers and droppers.

Overstacked/Illegal Enchants/Invalid NBT etc.
a) Hoppers/Dispensers etc will now be checked for these items to combat auto 32k and using illegal items via these mechanics.
b) Storage inventories will now be checked should help with xCarry and other related exploits.

a) Better detects items with bad attributes, eg; increased health and such when these items are worn by a player```

Messages.txt - Added the following new messages to the configurable messages file.
a) HeadInsideSolidBlock "Stopped ~player~ 's head from being inside a solid block while in a ~vehicle~ @"
b) ItemTypeRemoved "Found a blacklisted item type: ~item~ in ~player~'s inventory, it has been removed"
c) CustomAttribsRemoved2 "Removed ~item~ with Custom Attributes worn by ~name~ (~attributes~)
d) GenericItemRemoval "~item~ removed by protection ~protection~, found on source ~source~"
e) StaffMsgUnderNether "~name~ has been killed for flying under the nether floor @"

New Features:
1) Added a new protection that detects and kills players who fly under the nether bedrock floor. KillPlayersBelowNether
2) Added a new protection to detect and prevent players from glitching their heads inside solid blocks using vehicles. PreventHeadInsideBlock
----------, Jul 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,771
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
268 ratings
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