Added the ability to edit the message sent to players if DisableBookWriting is enabled.
It can be found in your config.yml under:
Code (Text):
DisableBookWritingMessage: Sorry but All player book editing is disabled on this server!
Added the ability to disable the plugin on specific worlds..
****WARNING**** Using this option completely removes ALL checks and protections in the world(s) added to the config. This means if you do add a world here it is HIGHLY recommended that you do not allow players to transfer items between the disabled world and your protected worlds. If a glitch exists on a server, and the protections are disabled for a specific world. Then players can go to that world, dupe items then return unless you are quite careful. Add worlds to the DisableInWorlds[] list ONLY if you are sure players can not transfer exploited items to your protected worlds.
Code (Text):
DisableInWorlds: [ worldNamesGoHere, AnotherWorld]