Got a bunch of cool custom recipes but the new recipe book is allowing your players to get infinite items? Have no fear!
Since mojang added the recipe book it's caused a couple major dupe issues, the second one being with the essentials /recipe command. They didn't bother to roll out support for our custom recipes to be added to this book thus if you leave /recipe enabled you're going to be giving your players access to infinite items.
**Note** This feature Requires ProtocolLib to be installed before the /recipe command will be re-enabled, permissions to the /recipe command must also still be used, essentials.recipe
This update addresses the issue which allows player to get items out of the /recipe inventory by clicking anything in the recipe book. Clicks to the book will be blocked while the player is looking at a /recipe.
Otherwise the recipe book and crafting works as normal, the only time it blocked is when a player invokes the /recipe command.