Dragons ❱ Dragons & Dragon Escape icon

Dragons ❱ Dragons & Dragon Escape -----

Two in one | Bungee/MultiArena | Extremely Configurable | Kits | Easy to Setup | Achievements |

Arena Connections
First of all this version does not support 1.20.5/6. No ETA for that yet.

With that said, this update is massive on the back-end, a lot of database modifications should start when you first install the update, nothing should break, but I'd recommend creating a backup of your database just in case.

For SQLite you can just make a copy of the players.db file, MySQL users can use mysqldump, or via the Database connection UI itself.

  • Added participation rewards
    • Rewards.Participation-Commands (for both DragonEscape and Dragons)
    • Rewards.Participation-Commands-Team (Dragons)
  • Optimized ActionBar actions

You can now connect two or more arenas. (BETA)

  • We have arenas Jungle, Jungle2 and Jungle3, all being the same map.
  • When Jungle2 and Jungle3 is connected to Jungle, the leaderboard will be shared between them
  • Each arena still will have their own leaderbord but the time will be the same
To connect arenas, use /dragons connectArena <Main-Arena> <Target-Arena>, example /dragons connectArena Jungle Jungle2. Jungle now hosts the leaderboard for Jungle2.

After connecting, you can force all connected arenas to have their time updated, copying the the main arena
  • /dragons forceConnectionData <main-arena>
Reset map and player command now supports a extra argument to reset all connected arenas
  • /dragons resetMap <arena> (reset all connected true/false)
  • /dragons resetPlayer <player> <arena> (reset all connected true/false)
There are two ways of disconnecting arenas
  • /dragons disconnectAll <main-arena> (reset leaderboard true/false)
    • Disconnects all arenas from the main arena.
    • You can use true at the end of the command to also reset the timer, or just type the command without any extra arguments to not reset.
  • /dragons disconnectArena <target-arena> (reset leaderboard true/false)
    • Disconnects a single arena from a main arena.
    • You can use true at the end of the command to also reset the timer, or just type the command without any extra arguments to not reset.

Stuff to keep in mind when using this sytem
  • Disabled by default, you have to set
    Storage.Accept-Arena-Connections to true and restart the server.
  • If a game that is connected to another arena finished with a new record, all connected arenas will also updated before the game is finished.
  • Hologram leaderboard can take a few seconds to catch up to the other arenas.
  • When adding a new connection, the connection data for all arenas will be temporarily cleared and then reloaded, setup your arena connections before opening the server/before anyone joins a game.
  • After connecting an arena to another arena, you can the leaderboard to update using the data from the main arena
    • /dragons forceConnectionData <main-arena>
----------, Apr 30, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 75
First Release: Apr 6, 2021
Last Update: Today at 5:19 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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