This update is the start of a larger shift towards Domain 2.0, with a large amount of code starting to be deprecated and replaced with new. In coming versions, this WILL impact the API, but, not today!
This update adds:
3 new flags
PlaceholderAPI support
Particle visualizations
Default naming for new fields
Bug fixes
New Flags
We have 3 new flags:
PREVENT_SPAWN_WARDEN - Which is pretty self explanatory - it prevents a warden being spawned in the field
The magnet flags pull either animals or monsters towards a fixed point - This will help greatly with things like mob grinders - instead of using complex water traps, you can instead drop a magnet location to where your pit-drop or other is, or even just to gather them together to make it easier to kill them.
To use it, add either flag as needed to the field, and then right click the block with an open hand, go to Edit Field > Admin Commands > Magnet
This will give you a magnet wand
Left click the spot you want the mobs drawn to with the wand, then left click the Domain block with the wand to set
The mobs will be drawn to that spot continually (they MAY try and wander off, but they won't get far)
This can be especially powerful if you add the magnet flags to a Spawner block
You can now use %domain_total_blocks% and %domain_current_field% - these will update every x number of seconds as laid out in the config (more on that at the end of the update)
Particle Visualizations
Some people don't like the glass visualizations, some do. You can now have the best of both worlds and choose
This can be set in the block config (changes listed at end of update)
Default Naming for new fields
Previously, fields were automatically created using <player name>'s <type> field
You can now set a default name in the block config
Instructions VERY IMPORTANT!
These updates will require additional changes to your config files - none will be mandatory, but you're MUCH MUCH better off getting the changes in now
Add the following to flags.yml
Code (YAML):
name: "&bPrevent Warden Spawning" lore: "&fPrevents Warden from spawning in the field" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
name: "&dAnimal Magnet" lore: "&fSets a point in the field as an animal magnet" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
name: "&dMonster Magnet" lore: "&fSets a point in the field as a monster magnet" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
Add the following to gui.yml
Code (YAML):
material: IRON_INGOT
name: "&bMagnet" lore: "&fGives a magnet wand to set the|&fmagnet location of the field" enabled: true
material: BARRIER
name: "&4Magnet disabled - Flag not set" lore: "&fYou must set a Magnet flag|&fin order to access the|&fmagnet to command" enabled: true
Add the following to lang.yml
Code (YAML):
saved_magnet_domainblock: "&aSUCCESS &f- Your magnet location has been set to <%location%>" magnet_set_cancel: "&4Magnet location setting has been cancelled" magnet_set_notset: "&4Magnet location has not been set. To cancel, right click the Domain Block with an open hand" magnet_set_ok: "&4Magnet location set. Left click the Domain Block with the wand to save" magnet_wand_given: "&aYou have been given a magnet wand. Left click the block you wish to set as the magnet. When selected, left click the Domain block with the wand to set the location" magnet_wand_lore: "&f&lInstructions|&fLeft click the location you wish to set as magnet|&fthen left click the Domain Block to save|&fRight click the Domain Block with an empty hand to cancel" magnet_wand_name: "&bDomain Magnet Wand" magnet_wand_not_given: "&cFAILED &f- Your main hand must be empty"
Add the following to config.yml
Code (YAML):
# PlaceholderAPI update time is the number of seconds that elapse between checking # for updated values. For example, if set to 10, every 10 seconds, every online # player will have their values updated for PlaceholderAPI enabled plugins to pull # from. # Default is 10 (seconds), if you don't use PlaceholderAPI, set to -1 or remove. papi_update_time: 10
# This is the number of blocks in which a magnet will pull from # This is the RADIUS - it will pull these blocks in all directions magnet_range: 5
Add the following to each block yml file (example. city.yml) be sure to set the visualization type you want.
Code (YAML):
# Visualization type. Only the following options will work, if none of these are selected, CUBE is chosen as default # CUBE, RING, CORNERS, PARTICLE_CUBE, PARTICLE_RING visualization: PARTICLE_CUBE
# Default name for new field. You can use & color codes, and can (but do not have to) use the following placeholders: # <%player%> - Player name of who created the field # <%type%> - The field type (from display_name above) default_new_name: "<%player%>'s <%type%> field"
In each file, you can now remove