My apologies for the slow updates recently, I'm a bit bogged down at work, however, after receiving some issues regarding lag, I have tweaked some code to hopefully address this.
- For most events, a list of flags at the location are now calculated a single time if multiple checks take place. Previously, I was checking the flags at location each time (so if prevent phantoms, or prevent creepers or prevent skeletons etc.) which was adding a fair bit of overhead. Now it will pull the list of flags at the event once, and then check each condition without pulling the list again.
- A number of events will not be checked if the location of the event is not in a field
I've added a few new flags as well:
PREVENT_GROW_BAMBOO - Prevents bamboo growing in the field
PREVENT_GROW_CHORUS_PLANT - Prevents the chorus PLANT from growing, does not stop the flowers. PREVENT_GROW_CHORUS_FLOWER does that. Note: These are two different fields as PREVENT_GROW_CHORUS_FLOWER already exists, and I don't want to change the behavior in case it causes issues for anyone.
PREVENT_GROW_KELP - Prevents kelp from growing in the field
Please add the following to your flags.yml file (or if you don't have any translation, just delete the flags.yml file and it will automatically regenerate)
Code (YAML):
name: "&bPrevent Bamboo Growing" lore: "&fPrevents bamboo from growing in the field" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
name: "&bPrevents Chorus Plant Growing" lore: "&fPrevents Chorus Plant from|&fgrowing in the field|&fDoes not stop the flower, just the plant" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
name: "&bPrevents Kelp Growing" lore: "&fPrevents Kelp from|&fgrowing in the field" icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
locked: false
As always, please let me know if you run into any issues!