Good Job It's working but there is a problem that is for the players that are not op I think they can use it but from time to time it shows an error message I don't remeber what is it but it shows when they don't use it
Hi, thanks for the review! Could I ask at which point does the plugin write that message? I fixed something like this last update. That is weird... will look into it
Version: 5.4.0
Amazing plugin, have been using it for a while and i would love it to see it be compatible with 1.21.3 in the future, keep up the hard work!
This plugin is misleading people by stating it works with Enchants Squared, it does NOT work on removing custom enchants from enchants sqaured. However It does remove vanilla enchants. Also this plugin has been glitching out on my paper server by not allowing me to make repairs with the anvil after this was installed. I removed and am just making due without currently
Hi! I looked at their gitlab but sadly they do not have any type of API to interact with, so... hope that theirs plugin work with normal Paper enchantment methods that my plugin defaults to :D Or another way is to shadow jar their plugin into mine, but in that case I would have to buy their plugin for 19.99 :/ Sorry, but this is not happening :D Or add me on discord, id: "H7KZ"
Yeah I would love to try, but I fricking cannot self compile EcoEnchants... I don't know if I am an idiot or not, but they don't do support for compilers :/
Version: 1.3.1
It's a good plugin,howere I can't choose which Enchantment can't be remove. So if you add a function that is BlackRmoveEnchantment list that will be good.
Well I even didn't think of that! Good to have! Will be implemented soon! :)
Version: 1.2
Very useful plugin! Works correctly as described by the author。
The author responded quickly and took the trouble to support and help
I was looking for just this, thanks a lot to the author for the resource!
Recommend everyone to use