Major internal update, I suggest *completely* redoing your config files.
I also probably left out some stuff that was changed, sorry lol
- !c command to execute a command in non-console channels
- /discord bcast [message] command to send a message to the main chat channel
- Audible ding when your name is said in a Discord message
- Channels can be on any guild that the bot has access to
- Conversion for role colors to in-game equivalent is now fully customizable
- Discord names being sent to game will show nicknames if one is set
- permission; give people to disallow them to send messages to Discord from Minecraft
- Herochat and LegendChat support, more plugins in the future
- Mention linking is no longer case-sensitive
- Mention linking no longer leaves a space before the mention
- Config lists are now on one line by default, fixes config migration system not transfering lists
- Fixed the TPS poller not having it
- Guild owner can now run the debug command
- Main command is now /discord instead of /discordsrv, more user friendly
- Messages are sent through JDA's queue system instead of blocking on new threads, might help with stuff
- Player list command now looks nicer
- VanishNoPacket hook now uses better reflection, will solve some class errors