A special thank you to everyone who contributed to this update, names are featured below
- Account linking via text channels (Thanks, Kamesuta)
- DiscordChatChannelBlockWebhooks config option to allow forwarding webhook message into Minecraft (Thanks, ANutley)
- Show stickers in minecraft chat the same way attachments are shown
- Stats channels (Thanks, Dinty1)
- Mention placeholder to link message (Thanks, Kamesuta)
- Webhook creation failing with USERNAME_INVALID_CONTAINS, usernames with Discord not having their messages forwarded to Discord
- Don't log InterruptedIOExceptions during shutdown
- Required link module "in any guild" check only checking the main guild (Thanks, ANutley)
- Memory leak when the console channel isn't configured
- Removed the hidden respect chat plugins option from the Chinese configuration (Thanks, BoredManPlays)
- Error when a linked user joins a server different than the one that contains the Linked role
- NPE in the help command when attempting to look up descriptions for commands that don't exist
- ERROR IN Protocol1_19To1_18_2 IN REMAP OF CHAT_MESSAGE (0x0F) with ViaVersion
- Concurrency issue in console appender
- Linked command now prioritises Discord tag over player name
- Bumped Adventure/MiniMessage versions (Thanks, Draycia)
- The LunarClient legacifying feature has been removed as the underlying issue was fixed
- Set a limit of 20 concurrent requests to the http client used for Discord connections
- Debug reports include more information about threads and scheduler tasks
- PlaceholderAPI support for CodeGenerated and DiscordCommandFormat
- VanishHook is now deprecated please use the "vanished" metadata key instead
- Expanded WebhookUtil functionality to allow easier integration of interactions (Thanks, LOOHP)
- Slash Command API (Inspiration, BlueTree242. Improvements, LOOHP)
- Added event for player list command (Thanks, LOOHP)
- All game events now include the Bukkit event that triggered them (Thanks, LOOHP)