LunarClient users will now receive a notice ( telling them their user experience is being degraded and command responses sent to them will not have hover/click features at all. The notice can be disabled with the EnableIncompatibleClientAlert config option. Please see #1294 for more details
Fancy new console logging with logger name and color support
Hex support to the %discordsrv_user_top_role_color_code% placeholder
The online status of the bot is now configurable
%discordname% and %discordusername% placeholders to the Experiment_WebhookChatMessageUsernameFormat option
Console-specific timestamp format
The MinecraftMentionSound config option to disable hearing a sound when somebody "@mentions" your name from Discord
Documentation about ids to DiscordRoleNameToAddToUser
Unix timestamps placeholders for startup, shutdown, console messages and the topic updater
Config option to block bots in the console channel
%deathmessagenoescapes% placeholder
Blacklist option for DiscordChatChannelPrefixRequiredToProcessMessage
DiscordLinkedAccountRequired message not sending when the original message is longer than can fit in the format
Compatibility with headless java installations
Comment on Channels option regarding reloadability
Users being able to use %toprolecolor% in their Discord messages and having it parsed in-game
Alerts not working whilst on a very old Minecraft version
Advancements throwing a error on servers with unexpected nms mappings/no nms at all
Error with some users with clyde in their username
DiscordChatChannelEmojiBehavior not working as intended
The CancellationDetector was rewritten to fix issues with some plugins when debugging
Replaced the default watchdog message with a clearer one
Advancement messages will not be sent if they were acquired in a world where the "announceAdvancements" gamerule is disabled
DiscordChatChannelGameFilters are now applied to message content when using Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery
The Enable option under Webhook in the messages.yml MessageFormat options has been renamed to Enabled for consistency
Discord to Minecraft messages can now use placeholders that only need a offlineplayer when the user is linked
Updated Japanese translation for linking.yml
Regex filters are applied to webhook username & content now
Player unban check now runs asynchronously
Updated JDA 4.3.0_349. We do not currently intend to update to JDA5, however if we decide to do so we'll give plenty of notice so plugin developers will have time to prepare
Added VentureChatMessagePreProcessEvent and VentureChatMessagePostProcessEvent