Now built for 1.16.1 though 1.19.0 worked mostly fine on 1.16 already.
RGB coloring options will come at a later date when libraries have stable support for it.
- Alerts. This is a very advanced feature of DiscordSRV that I expect most people to never touch.
It allows you to send messages to a Discord channel whenever a given event is called or command executed.
- Message embed formats now have an (optional) "Embed.Enabled" property
- Now able to force linked Discord accounts to be present in given Discord server(s) to play
- The VentureChat hook's BungeeCord functionality is now disabled by default (can be re-enabled by setting VentureChatBungee to true in the config.yml)
- Vanish checks for joining & leaving players
- Allow '\n' in DiscordCommandFormat
- The JDBC account link manager now caches single queries for 45 seconds
- Odd issue with Paper and invalid packets during login
- Issue with config migration in ConfigVersions with hashes
- Fixed warnings about missing config entries for Maps' default values
- VentureChat hook now processes fully when possible (BungeeCord functionality doesn't allow this)
- The successfully migrated config debug message now says the new instead of the old version
- NPE when determining the user's effective name from the main guild when they're not in the main guild when running linked/unlinked commands
- Group changes are now async when LuckPerms is installed
- DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases logic fixed
- Cancel RestActions when plugin shuts down
- Various other fixes