Fixed class initialization issue with MiniDNS trying to load /etc/resolv.conf when not readable
Fixed config migration running every time when "-SNAPSHOT" was in ConfigVersion
Fixed falling back to English when requested language doesn't exist
Fixed metrics enable check not being flipped (no wonder bStats said nobody was using 1.18.0)
Relocate Jackson due to dependency conflict
Major v1.18.x changes: Additions
Added ability to specify a target channel broadcasts. If you don't specify a channel (including the # prefix, you can also use IDs), it will default to the main chat channel. Example: "/discord bcast #some-channel Hello!"
Completely reimplemented "/discord linked/unlink" commands, much easier to use now
DebugJDARestActionStacks debug option to help with debugging JDA issues
Fallback DNS client implementation for when system's DNS starts to fail to resolve hostnames
"Features" bStats statistic, gives some insights to how many people use some features of DiscordSRV
Info on what plugin is the executor for /discord, helps to find conflicting plugin commands
PlaceholderAPI support for linked/unlinked commands
New configuration library behind the scenes. The config file structure is going to be a major, major change in DiscordSRV 2.x; this new library will help with that transition.
Proximity voice chat module! This is very experimental and will not work perfectly. Please send feedback about it to
Some more debug messages for helping track down issues easier
You can now set the webhook avatar provider with Experiment_WebhookChatMessageAvatarUrl
DiscordSRV now has a proper build system set up for automatic release and snapshot versions