aka "the final final final final final build" of DiscordSRV v1. No, seriously, this should be the last version of DiscordSRV1. Development focus is going to be put completely towards DiscordSRV2, "yet another rewrite™" of DiscordSRV. I think we're on rewrite four now? When will it end? Nobody knows.
- API version 1.13 compatible "officially"
- Spanish translation - ¡Hurra! (thanks ZxFrankxZ)
- MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedRoleNameToAddUserTo now removes the role from the user when they unlink their account instead of just aimlessly keeping it there. Who would've thought it would take this long to do that.
- PlaceholderAPI support for DiscordChatChannelListCommandPlayerFormat
- PrintGuildsAndChannels for you weirdos who complain about a plugin printing too much stuff when the server starts
- Warning when /discord is claimed by another plugin
- %worldalias% placeholder is now available on achievement messages
- Link code generation is a whole lot less willy nilly now
- Empty death messages are for sure ignored now
- MultiVerse hook uses the proper method now, causes failures when MV isn't installed 100% less