Channel purge command (by default "discordsrvpurgechannel") to purge the current channel's messages
DiscordChatChannelBroadcastDiscordMessagesToConsole config option to print Discord -> MC messages to console
DiscordConsoleChannelLevels config list to select which levels of messages are sent to the console channel via the console appender
Added a whitelist toggle for DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases to only send lines from the console containing a phrase; good for just wanting nothing but login messages & chat or something
Link your Minecraft account to your Discord account with "/discord link/linked/clearlinked", plugin developers can use this to implement Discord authentication or something
LunaChat integration
Messages sent to players when they subscribe/unsubscribe from Discord messages is now configurable
Optional expiration time to player list messages (DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpiration and DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpirationDeleteRequest)
Snapshot IDs are now injected into the plugin for determining what snapshot you're using as well as it's also in the filename again
So much better "/discord debug" command complete with auto upload to Hastebin with lots of server details
TownyChat integration
VentureChat filter support for Minecraft -> Discord
Warning for joining/leaving server with silent permissions
Achievement names look a lot better now
Color stripping and translation has been fixed in more places than I'm able to count
colors.json no longer messes with capitals
More console color stripping
Got rid of small (but harmless) NPE on shutdown
Plugin shutdown waits for shutdown message to complete before closing Discord connection
Too many fixes/optimizations/improvements behind the scenes to count them all
Unique player counter of channel topics now only counts .dat files, fixes counting mod files like Thaumcraft
VentureChat hook now correctly takes channel colors