❒ A system was added where players will randomly have messages automatically selected when choosing the item with the added system (in this case, it is located in slots 8 and 9 of all inventories as a usage reference)
random-death-message: true # By adding this option and setting it to <true> the item that will use the messages from the rest of the created items is enabled, allowing them to be randomly selected each time the event occurs
ignore: [9,1,2] #When entering a slot number in ignore: [], that slot will be completely ignored by the item with [random-death-message: true] and will not use the message specified in [death-message: 'asd']
❒ It is now possible to add multiple messages to a single item. Doing so will make the item randomly select one of its added messages when chosen
material: "EMERALD"
name: "&0| &cRandom 2"
- "&8(Clic para seleccionar)"
- "&fMensajes randoms 2"
- "&aSE MURIÓ &c%death%"
- "&eNo lloren por mi, yo ya estoy muerto... &8exclamó &a%death%"
- "&fFalleció %death%"
- "ejemplo"
❒ I'm preparing the "Legacy" version 1.8 - 1.12.2 so that it's adapted and bug-free.