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DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.4 completely removed "click menus" as they are barely used by anyone. Added view_requirement

Removed "click menus" as it was confusing to some people and barely anyone actually used them. This should improve performance a bit as there are no longer 2 different GUI implementations inside of the plugin.

Changed view permission to view requirement which uses javascript to evaluate if a player should meet the requirement to view an item in the GUI.
This should allow more flexibility as you can do much more than simply check if a player has a certain permission node to view an item in your GUI menu.

More information on view_requirements:
Code (Text):
# ==============================================================
# View requirement information
# You can add a 'view requirement' to an item if it has a priority value set for it
# The view requirement has replaced the 'permission' entry for items
# This allows you to specify a specific requirement in javascript for the item to be shown
# In order to use view requirements, the item must have a priority value and a valid javascript expression
# that returns true or false.
#   'item_one':
#     material: DIAMOND
#     slot: 3
#     priority: 1
#     view_requirement: '%vaulteco_balance% > 100'
#   'item_two':
#     material: IRON_INGOT
#     slot: 3
#     priority: 2
#     view_requirement: 'BukkitPlayer.hasPermission("some.permission")'
#   'item_three':
#     material: STONE
#     slot: 3
#     priority: 3
# In the example above, the priority 1 item view requirement will be checked first, if a player has over 100 dollars, that item will be shown.
# If the player does not meet the requirement for the first item, the item with priority 2 will be checked. If the player does not have the permission
# node some.permission, the final item 'item_three' will be set to slot 3 as the player did not meet the requirement for the first 2 items with
# a higher priority.
# You may use placeholders in your Javascript expressions to evaluate if the player meets the requirement or not.
# You may also use a few keywords which give you access to the Player class and Bukkit.Server class if you understand the Bukkit API
# BukkitPlayer - references the Player object your expression is evaluating.
# BukkitServer - references Bukkit.getServer() in the Bukkit API.
# The choice to use this system to evaluate if a player meets requirements to click an item was an easy choice.
# This way I do not have to hook into every plugin to check if a player meets the requirement to click an item successfully.
# You can simply use placeholders, or the keywords provided to give you access to the Player and Server objects.
# If you want to check if a player has enough money, simply use an expression like so:
# view_requirement: '%vaulteco_balance% >= 100' (checks if players balance is greater than or equal to 100)
# ==============================================================
----------, Dec 26, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
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