DeluxeMenus icon

DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.3.2 added ability to define "frames" for GUI menu titles to make "animated titles"
Added the ability to create "animated" menu titles :)
This feature is only enabled if your server version is 1.8 or higher!

Code (Text):
# example GUI menu configuration
# configuration layout:
# menu_title:
# - '<title of menu goes here>'
# - '<If using 1.8 you can specify many menu title frames and create animations>'
# - '<in order for animations to work you must specify a menu_title_update_interval: ##>'
# menu_title_update_interval: <amount of ticks to change title frames ex: 10, this is only needed if you have multiple frames>
# command: <command to open this menu goes here>
# size: <size of this menu, increments of 9, max size is 54>
# update_interval: <time in seconds this gui should update for a player if an item is set to uodate placeholders>
# items:
#   <item identifier>:
#     material: <name or id, for player heads use the format 'head;<players name/%player_name%>'>
#     data: <integer, used for data values for wool etc>
#     amount: <amount of this item to show>
#     slot: <slot number to put this item, slots start at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory>
#     priority: <this is used if you have multiple items set for the same slot>
#     permission: <the lowest priority item a player has permission for ex: 1, will be shown>
#     update: <true/false if this item should update placeholders on the interval set for the gui menu this item is in>
#     hide_attributes: <true/false if this item should display item attributes>
#     hide_enchantments: <true/false if this item should display item enchantment / level> (useful for 'enchantment glow' items)
#     hide_effects: <true/false if this item should display item effect attributes>
#     display_name: <display name to show for this item>
#     banner_meta: (this is used if you want to display a custom banner with specific patterns)
#     - <dyecolor>;<PatternType> (more information on where to find DyeColor and PatternType names below)
#     - 'RED;BASE'
#     lore:
#     - 'placeholders can be used in the name and lore'
#     - '%<any placeholder from Papi>% shows the viewer values'
#     enchantments: valid enchantment names can be found here:
#     - 'SILK_TOUCH;1'
#     left_click_commands:
#     - '[close]'
#     right_click_commands:
#     - '[player] spawn'
# All keys aside from update_interval are required for this menu to be valid and loaded!
# The only options for an item to be considered valid are material and slot!
# banner_meta must be listed with a specific format:
# banner_meta:
# - <DyeColor>;<PatternType>
# Valid DyeColor names can be found here:
# Valid PatternTypes can be found here:
# ==============================================================
# Click requirement information
# You can now add 'click requirements' to left and right click commands!'
# These are defined per item and must follow a specific format:
#   'item_one':
#     material: DIAMOND
#     slot: 3
#     left_click_commands:
#     - '[close]'
#     - '[message] You were charged 100 dollars for clicking that item!'
#     - '[console] eco take %player% 100'
#     left_click_requirement:
#       expression: '%vaulteco_balance% > 100'
#       deny_commands:
#       - '[close]'
#       - '[message] &cYou dont have 100 dollars to click that item'
#     right_click_commands:
#     - '[close]'
#     - '[message] You had permission to click that item!'
#     right_click_requirement:
#       expression: 'BukkitPlayer.hasPermission("some.permission.toclick")'
#       deny_commands:
#       - '[close]'
#       - '[message] &cYou dont have permission to click that item'
# Every left/right_click_requirement MUST have an expression specified that would return a boolean (true/false)
# These expressions must also follow JavaScript format as they are all javascript based!
# deny_commands: are optional and will be executed if the expression returns false.
# You may use placeholders in your Javascript expressions to evaluate if the player meets the requirement or not.
# You may also use a few keywords which give you access to the Player class and Bukkit.Server class if you understand the Bukkit API
# BukkitPlayer - references the Player object your expression is evaluating.
# BukkitServer - references Bukkit.getServer() in the Bukkit API.
# The choice to use this system to evaluate if a player meets requirements to click an item was an easy choice.
# This way I do not have to hook into every plugin to check if a player meets the requirement to click an item successfully.
# You can simply use placeholders, or the keywords provided to give you access to the Player and Server objects.
# If you want to check if a player has enough money, simply use an expression like so:
# expression: '%vaulteco_balance% >= 100' (checks if players balance is greater than or equal to 100)
# If you want to charge the player, simply run the economy command to take the amount from the players balance in your click_commands
# which will be executed if the player meets the requirement!
# ==============================================================
- '&aH'
- '&aHe'
- '&aHel'
- '&aHell'
- '&aHello'
- '&aHello '
- '&aHello &f%player%'
- '&aHello &e%player%'
- '&aHello &6%player%'
- '&aHello &e%player%'
- '&aHello &f%player%'
- '&aHello '
- '&aHello'
- '&aHell'
- '&aHel'
- '&aHe'
- '&aH'
menu_title_update_interval: 2
open_command: examplegui
update_interval: 1
size: 9
    material: head;%player_name%
    slot: 0
    display_name: '&aHey &f%player%'
    - '&aYou opened a GUI menu'
    - '&aThis menu is just for you!'
    - '[close]'
    - '[player] help'
    - '[close]'
    material: DIAMOND
    data: 0
    amount: 1
    slot: 1
    display_name: '&aBuy &f1 &3Diamond'
    - '&bClick to buy one diamond'
    - '[close]'
    - '[console] give %player_name% diamond 1'
    - '[console] eco take %player_name% 100'
      expression: '%vaulteco_balance% > 100'
      - '[close]'
      - '[message] &cYou do not have &a$&f100 &cto purchase a diamond!'
    material: BANNER
    amount: 1
    slot: 2
    display_name: '&acustom banner'
    - 'RED;BASE'
    hide_effects: true
    - 'testing'
    - '[close]'
    material: WATCH
    amount: 1
    slot: 3
    display_name: '&cTime played: &f%statistic_time_played%'
    update: true
    - '[close]'
Fixed CME (ConcurrentModificationException) on /dm reload

As always, be sure to leave a like and review if you enjoy this update :)
----------, Sep 14, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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