DeluxeMenus icon

DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.2 Renamed plugin! Config overhaul, added support to create normal GUI menus + much more

I decided to rename the plugin as "ClickMenus" didn't seem to fit for what this plugin now offers.

The plugin now allows you to create normal GUI menus that offer tons of customization.

Added the ability to create multiple items per slot and even set permissions for what its to show a player in your custom GUI menus and click menus.

Added the ability to define your own commands in GUI menus to open them.

Added complex open command system for GUI menus to allow players to open GUI menus for themselves, or admin / console to open a GUI menu for a specific player.

If you used "ClickMenus" You will need to reset your configuration. This will be the only time a config reset should be needed...

New config:

Code (Text):
# DeluxeMenus 1.2 main configuration file
# click_menu_options.crouch_to_open: <true/false>
#   Should players need to sneak to open a click menu
# Click menu configuration:
# You can create as many click menus you like.
# The highest priority menu you have permission for will be applied when you click a player.
# Highest priority is 1, Lowest priority is 2147483647
# Players must have permission for a click menu to open one!
# All click menu permissions default to false so this even applies to Ops.
# Permission for a click menu is: deluxemenus.clickmenu.<menuName>
# Permission to open a click menu by command is: deluxemenus.clickmenucommand
# Click menus configuration layout:
# click_menus:
#   <menuName>:
#     menu_title: <title of menu goes here>
#     priority: <priority of this menu>
#     size: <size of this menu, increments of 9, max size is 54>
#     items:
#       <item identifier>:
#         material: <name or id>
#         data: <integer, used for data values for wool etc>
#         amount: <amount of this item to show>
#         slot: <slot number to put this item, slots start at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory>
#         priority: <this is used if you have multiple items set for the same slot>
#         permission: <the lowest priority item a player has permission for ex: 1, will be shown>
#         display_name: <display name to show for this item>
#         lore:
#         - 'placeholders can be used in the name and lore'
#         - '%viewer% shows the menu viewers name'
#         - '%<any placeholder from pAPI>% shows the targets values'
#         click_commands:
#         - '[player] runs this command as a player'
#         - '[player] tpa %player%'
#         - '[console] runs this command from the console'
#         - '[console] ban %player%'
#         - '[connect] connects the viewer to the specified bungee server'
#         - '[connect] Hub'
#         - '[close] closes the click menu'
#         - '[close]'
# You do not need to specify item options that you don't use!
# The only required entries for a click menu item to be valid are:
# A valid material
# A valid slot
# Every item in the items list must have a unique <item identifier
# Per item permissions and priorities are optional.
# High priority = 1, Lowest priority = 2147483647.
# This allows you to show different items for a specific menu slot depending on the highest priority
# item permission a player has. This makes your menus very dynamic :)
# You CAN NOT specify a permission without a priority!
# You CAN specify a priority without a permission.
# You should always create a low priority item without a permission which will act as the no permission
# item if a player does not have permission for any of the items that require permission, otherwise
# no item will be set in the slot if a player does not have permission for any of the permission items.
# GUI menu configuration:
# You can create as many GUI menus you like.
# The menu priority must be a unique number for each GUI menu.
# Highest priority is 1, Lowest priority is 2147483647
# Players must have permission for a GUI menu to open one!
# All GUI menu permissions default to false so this even applies to Ops.
# Permission to open a GUI menu is: deluxemenus.guimenu.<menuName>
# You specify the command which opens the GUI menu. Make sure this command
# does not conflict with any existing commands on your server!
# A GUI menu without an open command specified will not be loaded!
# GUI menus configuration layout:
# gui_menus:
#   <menuName>:
#     menu_title: <title of menu goes here>
#     priority: <priority of this menu>
#     command: <command to open this menu goes here>
#     size: <size of this menu, increments of 9, max size is 54>
#     items:
#       <item identifier>:
#         material: <name or id>
#         data: <integer, used for data values for wool etc>
#         amount: <amount of this item to show>
#         slot: <slot number to put this item, slots start at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory>
#         priority: <this is used if you have multiple items set for the same slot>
#         permission: <the lowest priority item a player has permission for ex: 1, will be shown>
#         display_name: <display name to show for this item>
#         lore:
#         - 'placeholders can be used in the name and lore'
#         - '%<any placeholder from pAPI>% shows the viewer values'
#         click_commands:
#         - '[player] runs this command as a player'
#         - '[player] spawn'
#         - '[console] runs this command from the console'
#         - '[console] spawn %player%'
#         - '[connect] connects the viewer to the specified bungee server'
#         - '[connect] Hub'
#         - '[close] closes the gui menu'
#         - '[close]'
# You do not need to specify item options that you don't use!
# The only required entries for a gui menu item to be valid are:
# A valid material
# A valid slot
# Every item in the items list must have a unique <item identifier
  sneak_to_open: true
    menu_title: '&aExample menu'
    priority: 1
    size: 9
        material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 0
        display_name: '&aHey &f%viewer%'
        - '&aYou opened a click menu'
        - '&afor player: &f%player_name%'
        - '[close]'
        material: 368
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 1
        priority: 1
        permission: examplemenu.item.teleport
        display_name: '&bTeleport to player'
        - '&bClick to teleport to player &f%player_name%'
        - '[player] tp %player_name%'
        - '[close]'
        material: 381
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 1
        priority: 2
        permission: examplemenu.item.tpa
        display_name: '&bRequest teleport to player'
        - '&bClick to request to'
        - '&bteleport to &f%player_name%'
        - '[player] tpa %player_name%'
        - '[close]'
    menu_title: '&aExample GUI menu'
    open_command: examplemenu
    priority: 1
    size: 9
        material: STONE
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 0
        display_name: '&aHey &f%player%'
        - '&aYou opened a GUI menu'
        - '&aThis menus if just for you!'
        - '[close]'
        material: DIRT
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 1
        priority: 1
        permission: exampleguimenu.item.home
        display_name: '&bTeleport home'
        - '&bClick to teleport'
        - '&bto your home'
        - '[player] home'
        - '[close]'
        material: DIRT
        data: 0
        amount: 1
        slot: 1
        priority: 2
        display_name: '&bTeleport to spawn'
        - '&bClick to teleport'
        - '&bto the server spawn'
        - '[player] spawn'
        - '[close]'
All permission nodes have changed:
Code (Text):
        description: admin commands
        default: op
        description: open click menus by command
        default: op
        description: exempt from anyone opening a click menu for this player
        default: false
        description: ignore exempt players and force open a click menu
        default: false
        description: open a click menu for yourself regardless if you have permission for it
        default: op
        description: open a gui menu by command
        default: op
        description: open a gui menu for another player by command
        default: op
        description: open a gui menu for a viewer regardless if the viewer has permission for it
        default: op
        description: allows access to a specific GUI menu
        default: false
        description: allows access to a specific click menu
        default: false
----------, Sep 2, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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