DeluxeMenus icon

DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.13.3 Added support for Minecraft 1.16, added a few things, fixed a few things

This update adds support for Minecraft 1.16.2 NMS but also fixes quite a bit of things.... This version has been in development / testing for quite some time but I feel its time to update so here it is!

Adds support for 1.16.2 (thanks glare)
Fixes a bunch of HEX stuff with colors in item name/lore. To use hex in item names /lore you need to use the format `&#aaFF00`
Updates dependency to latest PlaceholderAPI
Adds support for slot ranges ex:
Code (Text):
  - 1-5
This will allow you to assign multiple defined slots in a range to a menu item. (thanks cj)
Fixes display name not updating properly when using dynamic updates to menu items.
Fixes issue where typed args are not passed to the next menu opened if an open menu action is used.
Adds support for typed argument placeholders to be used in almost every type of requirement.
Adds [chat] <message> to have a player talk in chat
Adds support for placeholders to be used in chance/delay functions regarding actions.
Adds support for potions to be added to items with
Code (Text):
  - 'PotionEffectType;duration;amplifier'
I may have missed a few things but no worries. Just shoot a message in our discord for any concerns or help you may need. You can join


Hope all is well with everyone and hope you enjoy this update!
----------, Sep 9, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings