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DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.13.2 The meta update

Added meta

Added a meta system that integrates with the Spigot persistent metadata API. This system allows you to modify / access / check persistent meta associated with a player through requirements, actions, or placeholders.
This meta feature is only available for server versions 1.14 or higher
The following data types are available: STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, LONG, DOUBLE.
An example of meta usage can be found here

New action

Code (YAML):
[meta ] <set/remove/add/subtract/switch> <key> <dataType> <value>
This action modifies the player's meta. The key can be anything you want. add/subtract are for number types. switch is for boolean. all values must be the same type as you specify.

New requirements

Check if the player has the specified meta.
Code (YAML):
type : has meta
: "views"
Required fields: key, meta_type, value
If the meta_type is a number format (DOUBLE, LONG, INTEGER) it will check if the player's meta value is greater than or equal to the value
To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has meta").

Check if the player is near a location
Code (YAML):
type : is near
: #
Required fields: location, distance
To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!is near").

New placeholder

Code (YAML):
Code (YAML):

New command

Code (Text):
/dm execute <player> <action>
This allows you to execute any action string for the player specified. This command requires OP to be used as its real intention is to allow other plugins to perform actions that don't directly support DeluxeMenus. An example of usage:
Code (Text):
/dm execute clip [message] hey<delay=30>

Menu commands are now registered with the

This new system allows you to specify if your menu open comands are registered with the server. This fixes an issue where the command typed would display red and be recognized as an unknown command. This also allows your menu command support tab complete. If you would like to use this feature just add the following to your menu file:
Code (YAML):
open_command :
- menu
: true
Note that changing your menu open commands will require a full restart of the server in order to fix issues with tab completion not updating when a command is added/changed/removed

Revamped args

The args system has been completely overhauled. Use of this feature requires that you have your menu set to register a command as stated above.

To utilize args you must add an option to the menu config:
Code (YAML):
args :
- argument1
- argument2
- argument3
The amount of args required are the amount of strings listed where the top string in the list is the first arg. In the example above the menu would require 3 arguments be typed after the command /menu arg1 arg2 arg3 Args the player typed can be used in menus by using the placeholder {argument1} {argument2} {argument3} etc All expected args except the last arg can only be 1 word, the last expected arg will pass the rest of the args typed ex:
Code (YAML):
args :
- player
- reason
If /menu clip stealing items were typed, {player} would parse to clip and {reason} would parse to stealing items You can add a usage message to output if the minimum length of args is not provided by adding the following to the menu config:
Code (YAML):
args_usage_message : '/menu <player> <reason>'
Notable fixes

fixed Inventory_type not working correctly and allowing items be removed from menus when using inventories such as hopper
RGB and other menu options now allow placeholders to be parsed
shift_right_click actions now work

This version has fixed a ton of bugs and improved many other things that aren't listed above. Thanks to everyone who has been testing these new features by using development builds and providing feedback. Be sure to report any issues to our discord. Visit the wiki to explore all of the features of DeluxeMenus.
----------, May 5, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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