Spectral Damage is a minecraft spigot plugin that allows you to display in the form of an animated hologram the damage that a player inflicts on a mob or another player. The plugin is very optimized because it uses asynchronous tasks and only packets, moreover no dependence is required.
Client side and asynchrone damage indicator hologram
Hit, Critical Hit, Fire, Falling, Potions, Arrows and Poison damage detection and display with configurable texts
Ability to make damage indicators visible to other players
- /spectraldamage enable <player> Enable damage indicator for specific player
(require spectraldamage.admin permission)
- /spectraldamage disable <player> Disable damage indicator for specific player
(require spectraldamage.admin permission)
Code (YAML):
# Config - Spectral Damage a plugin by TwiDev (Version 2.6.7)
# Check for an update of the plugin at each start and warn the admins update_checker: true
# The holograms are visible only to the player, if false the hologram will be visible to everyone # Activating this parameter also makes natural type damage indicators (poisons, fire, fall) on mobs (entities or players) visible to all other players showToDamagerOnly: true
# The plugin will be activated by default for all players enable_by_default: true
#allow only a group of players with (spectraldamage.show) permission to use the plugin restrict_by_permission: false
# Maximum random coordinate on the X axis of the hologram location (cannot be negative) offset_x: 1.35
# Maximum random coordinate on the Y axis of the hologram location (can be negative) offset_y: 0.8
# Maximum random coordinate on the Z axis of the hologram location (cannot be negative) offset_z: 1.35
falling_animation: true
# Initial speed of the hologram allowing it to accelerate upwards before falling initial_speed: 1.15
# Acceleration at which the hologram is attracted to the ground acceleration: 4.0
# Number of decimal places of the number of damages displayed on the hologram damage_decimal: 1
# Damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) # RBG supported use &<HEX> or &<LEGACY> to use color in damage format # Use <#FF6600> YOUR TEXT </#9DFF8A> to create gradient between two colors damage_format: "&c- &4%damage% &cHP"
# Minimum number of damage needed to display the hologram # leave the value at 0 to disable this option minimum_damage: 0
# Defines if the critical damage should be displayed with the custom format critical_damage: true
# Critical damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) critical_damage_format: "&c- &6&l%damage% &cHP"
# Defines if the fire damage should be displayed with the custom format fire_damage: false
# Fire damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) fire_damage_format: "&e- &6%damage% &eHP"
# Defines if the poison damage should be displayed with the custom format poison_damage: false
# Poison damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) poison_damage_format: "&a- &2%damage% &aHP"
# Defines if the potion damage should be displayed with the custom format potion_damage: false
# Potion (Only Harming Potion) damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) potion_damage_format: "&d- &5%damage% &dHP"
# Defines if the projectile damage should be displayed with the custom format projectile_damage: false
# Projectile damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) projectile_damage_format: "&c- &6%damage% &cHP"
# Defines if the fall damage should be displayed with the custom format fall_damage: false
# fall damage display format (placeholder %damage% will be replaced with damage value) fall_damage_format: "&f- &b%damage% &fHP"
# hologram lifetime (Is fixed so that the hologram disappears after it is in the ground according to # at default initial speed and acceleration values) # Duration must be in ticks (1 seconds = 20 ticks) living_time: 23
# Players are affected by damage display (true/false) player_damage_indicator: true
# Entities (not players) are affected by damage display (true/false) entities_damage_indicator: true
# Messages configuration message_prefix: "&c&lSpectralDamage &8-" message_config_reloaded: "Config file reloaded successfully!" message_cannot_toggle_indicator: "Impossible to change the visibility of the damage indicators because they are by default visible to everyone." message_indicator_toggle_on: "The visibility of damage indicators has been reactivated!" message_indicator_toggle_off: "The visibility of damage indicators has been disabled!" message_not_permission: "You do not have permission to perform this action"