DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! icon

DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! -----

Reward players for joining multiple days in a row with better rewards for each consecutive day!

Added features
** This update only affects the Dailybonus.jar **

This update adds some new features that will make this plugin even more effective in getting players to stay on your server. In this update there are 2 major new features the first is the ability to define a required time online before a player can receive their reward and an auto open function that will open the menu for the player if they are online while their wait timer expires.

Setting a required play time to receive a reward is just a simple addition to the config.yml. All you have to do is add the following value to your config file.

Code (Text):
required_playtime: <time in seconds>
This will work together with the 'required_movement' toggle as it will require both checks to be completed before giving the player their reward. If a player leaves during the required playtime period it will reset and they will have to play for the defined time consecutively. This prevents players from joining, leaving and then rejoining after the timer has expired.

With this new feature there is a new message you must add to the messages section if you plan on using this feature. Below is the complete messages section with the new message included.

Code (Text):
  no_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command'
  invalid_player: '&cThe player you have specified is not in the database'
  invalid_number: '&cThe number specified must be greater than zero'
  must_move: '&cYou must move on the server before claiming your bonus'
  required_time: '&cYou must play on the server for %dailybonus_delay% before you
    can receive your bonus'
  days_reset: '&aThe players day count has successfully been reset to zero'
  days_set: '&aYou have successfully set the players day count to %days%'
  reward_notification: '&a%player% you can claim your Daily Bonus! &7/dailybonus'
So as mentioned earlier you can also specify a new value of whether or not for the menu to open the second a new reward is available (if the player is online) this is also just as simple as adding another toggle.

Code (Text):
open_if_online: <true/false>
If you notice any bugs with this new update whatever they may be, be sure to let me know in the discussions section or by PM. If you have any suggestions for this plugin let me know!
----------, Nov 28, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,623
First Release: Oct 30, 2015
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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