Double Rewards You can now choose the days of the week when double rewards are given to your players!
To set this up, go to
/votesettings -> Rewards -> Vote Rewards (or Power Rewards) -> Double Rewards.
Additionally, you can customize the message that is broadcasted when double rewards are active. This setting can be found in
messages.yml -> double_rewards.
Use placeholders %PLAYER% and %DAY% in your message.
HEX Support As you might know, many plugins allow you to add color to messages using Minecraft color codes (&), which offer a limited range of colors. But now, with HEX color codes, you can use any color you like in your messages!
Simply write an '&', followed by the HEX code, followed by your message, like this:
'ೕa8Hello my name is sd_master92!'
Note that this is available since Spigot 1.16. Older versions cannot use this feature.
Lucky Command Rewards Just like for the regular Vote Rewards and the Power Rewards, you can now also add commands as rewards to a Lucky Vote!
Find this setting in the
/votesettings -> Rewards -> Lucky Rewards -> Command Rewards.
Please give me a shout if you experience any issues. Enjoy the update!