What's new?
- It is now possible to migrate playerdata to a different data storage service in both directions. Helpful when you're expanding your network and want to use a database instead of per-server votes.
Use /migratevotes <from> <to> like so: /migratevotes playerfiles database.
- Added a /givecratekey command which can be added to third party plugins or to the command rewards of CustomVoting.
- Queued votes messages are now stacked if there's multiple.
- Added the possibility to set a delay on the execution of a vote. Find this setting in /votesettings -> General -> Process Vote Delay
What's fixed?
- Vulnerability updates
- Fixed disabled worlds not working correctly
- Fixed CustomVoting command autocompletion
- Changed the word 'price' to 'prize'
Enjoy - and let me know in Discord if you find any issues!