This update brings a new option: block-material. You can use this option to set the original block on which the archaeological block is based, with a default value of STONE. This fixes the problem of sometimes transparent edges of archaeological blocks
If you are users version from 1.x version, you need add this option at config.yml, otherwise your archeology block will all BROKEN!
Code (YAML):
settings: # Support value: UUID or RANDOM block-save: UUID
# Recommend you set a block material here # For users use 1.x version, please type 'BLUE_DYE' here block-material: BLUE_DYE
Added protection plugins hook for place and break archeology block. If player are in protected areas or in other player's lands, plugin can prevent player place or break archeology blocks.
Added custom nbt support in ItemFormat if you have installed NBTAPI in your server.
Fixed HIDE_ATTRIBUTES item flag does not work for item does not have attribute modifier in 1.20.6 and higher version.
This is a bug from Mojang and we can do nothing for this. Plugin will auto add empty attribute modifier if you add hide attributes flag to solve this problem.
From this version, CustomArcheology won't use packet to display custom archeology blocks, we will use real block (barrier and the replaced block) with display entity to display it.
This will fix 1.20.5+ client players see the custom archeology turns to black in sometimes.
Adventure and spectator gamemoed players no longer can interact with archeology blocks, this includes place, break and use brush.
Fixed default language files have wrong key format.
Added Standard Localized Item Name Translate feature.
Due to the fact that the Minecraft server does not store client language files, the plugin cannot know the name of the item you hold displayed on your client. Therefore, in most scenarios where the item name is displayed, we directly display its English name. Now this new feature will automatically download the client language file and translate your item name.
You have to setup this feature first to enable this feature.
Fixed default block configs has wrong which lead to plugin print error when try generating blocks.
Added BetterStructures support, you can now set generate archeology block at BetterStructures.
Big Config Break Change: Changed all option key which has "_" symbol, we replace "_" symbol to "-" for now, but don't worry, old config still fully support in this version.
Config Break Change: Renamed generate_biomes option in block config to biomes.
Added log-generated-block option in config.yml, if enabled, we will print generated archeology block location at console.
Start use new Item Format, old Item Format no longer supported in this version. You have to regenerate plugin config files to make your configs work on 1.2.0!
Added 1.20.5 support. (not test, since ProtolcolLib has not updated to 1.20.5)
Fixed MythicMobs 5.4.1+ make CustomArcheology no longer display archeology block in sometimes.
Added block-save option in config.yml, this can help you determine what method to generate block ID. By default, 1.1.0 start using UUID, but you can still change this to RANDOM if you was using old versions.