TO SEE All news features in video join this discord channel: UPDATE
New custom player commands CHESTPLATE , LEGGINGS, BOOTS, to set the item in your main hand in the defined armor slot
New add
BRUT_HEX to keep the brut hex from in your command (example, useful to change the prefix of luckperms)
New in the lore of the item you can increase or decrease the %usage%, example:
Code (Text):
You have %usage%, next time that you will use this item you will have %usage%-1
New EI supports Multiverse World in its world conditions.
New item restriction (In fact its not really a restriction, but idk where to put it) **cancel-item-burn** , when this option is tun on true, the ei will not be destroy when he will fall in the fire/lava)
Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !