Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items icon

Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items -----

Custom Items, custom triggers, reproduce your favorite items !

✨ExecutableItems ⭐ update !
New custom player commands (in GUI):

Replace the block that the player targeted.

SETBLOCK {material}
setblock where the cursor of player is.

LAUNCH {projectile}
Launch a projectile for the player.
projectile: arrow, dragonfireball, egg, enderpearl, fireball, fishhook, largefireball, lingeringpotion, llamaspit, shulkerbullet, snowball, trident, witherskull

New block command: BREAK
to break block naturaly
new player conditions (not in GUI):
The player must target the block with the MATERIAL (5 blocks range)

The player must not target the block with the MATERIAL (5 blocks range)
ifPosX: <=50
The coordinate X of player must be...

ifPosY: <=50
The coordinate Y of player must be...

ifPosZ: <=50
The coordinate Z of player must be...

Some improvements of commands, code is cleaner and more efficient for future additions,
Be careful the custom command PARTICLE AND AROUND changed !
PARTICLE type: '{type}' quantity: '{quantity}' offset: '{offset}' speed: '{speed}'
PARTICLE {type} {quantity} {offset} {speed}
AROUND distance:'{distance}' msgPlayerAffected:'{true or false}' command:'{Your commands here}'
AROUND {distance} {true or false} {Your commands here} @JohnnyH

New item options:
cancel-item-frame: true/false

cancel-tool-interactions: true/false
List of interactions:
SHOVEL on GRASS -> custom grass
AXE on LOG -> custom log

New the command ei-giveslot support usage (usage is not necessary):
/ei-giveslot {player} {itemID} {quantity} {slot} {usage}
Add requiredItems/level/executableitems/money for activator MINE (in GUI)

NEW now KILL activator support THORNS

Fix an issue with the attribute GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH on item

Fix an issue with glow and enchantments

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !
----------, Dec 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 462,140
First Release: Apr 18, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:58 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
170 ratings
Version -----
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