Custom Blocks Plugin - Executable Blocks icon

Custom Blocks Plugin - Executable Blocks -----

Custom Blocks, custom triggers, create epic blocks !

Custom Blocks with Executable Blocks [1.17] UPDATE

Now the placeholders are reload before the command will be launched.​
So now even if you set DELAY in your commands, you will have the correct placeholders.

REWORK of placeholders to simplify your development ! Now they didn't change in the different commands part.
in your current config normally it's automatically updated, but if not, check the new placeholders:

New command tag [<OFFLINE>] , place this tag in your command if you want that the command will be executed even if the player is offline

New custom block condition : IfMustBeNatural (to check if the block is natural or if it's not (placed by a player))
->> REQUIRE CoreProtect

Performances : If you have a performance problem, please download SPARK and send me a spark profil on discord ! I will fix it as soon as possible. (I try to tested a lot but I haven't 50 -100 players+ on my server so I can't see all problems)

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !

----------, Aug 4, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 110,454
First Release: Jun 17, 2021
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:46 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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