New category. A new category is composting. The purpose of this category was to add game elements where other game elements could be usefully used. For example, you can now make one Experience Bottle from an empty class and eight Zombie Rotten Flesh.
New command and permission: /composter (craftable.composter).
New misc item: Blaze Rod
New composter recipes: Experience Bottle and Eye Of Ender.
New animal spawn eggs: Axolotl and Goat.
MyCommand configuration for v3.9.7 (Created by @Village-Loon)
Support for 1.21 version of Minecraft.
Trident recipe updated. The goal of the Trident update was to bring more of its logic into crafting. According to the old recipe, only a sticks and 3 diamond swords were needed. All previous elements (diamonds and sticks) are still needed, the Prismarine Shard element was added.
Minor technical changes and corrections. One of the fixes was related to titles and not opening a category by clicking on it.