CookieClicker icon

CookieClicker -----

CookieClicker | Vault Support | Easy Setup | Full Configurable | SQLite/ MySQL | German/English

Complete revision of the plugin
It has finally been about a year!
The CookieClicker gets the long-awaited rework whereby you can now also use the Statswall again without the server crashes xD (Sorry for that again)

I also restructured some things and adjusted the usability so that the plugin can hopefully be used more individually and better.

Important when you update the plugin is that you delete the database of CookieClicker as well as the Configs, otherwise it comes to many errors, because everything was made new.

Here are all the changes listed:

+ Update Checker ,
which if activated notifies you as soon as the plugin is no longer up to date.

+ Unlimited and performance optimized statswall ,
you can now set the statswall with "/cookieclicker set statswall <type> <number>" as you wish and also set the refresh rate. Furthermore, no more performance problems should occur due to the statswall.

+ Hologram change ,
all holograms are no longer real armorstands but made with packets, so they don't draw performance anymore and disappear if the plugin is no longer on the server.

- Statswall limitation removed ,
you can set the heads and signs separately, so you are not limited to any scheme. In addition, you can skip or not set individual ranks in the ranking

- Boosters were removed ,
since I have made the plugin new, this feature unfortunately had to give way. I was not satisfied with the concept but will add other features in future updates which will replace this feature.

~ Language change ,
the setup as well as the default configs are now all in English by default. If you want to have a german version of the configs you will find it on the plugin page for copying.

That's actually it with the big changes. If I have forgotten something I am sorry but it was really a lot of effort to program everything new and optimized. All things, which I have not mentioned until now, have "remained" as they were. I hope the plugin comes well with you and prepares you joy should bugs appear report this with pleasure.
----------, Oct 1, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,688
First Release: Mar 9, 2019
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
67 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings