Added a lot of GUI like, NPC GUI, Schematic GUI, Parameters GUI, Needed Materials GUI, Excavated MaterialsGUI
/constructor npc for NPC GUI -> only accessible with command, you can set a npc trait to constructor by right-clicking on his head
/constructor list for schematic list -> can be accessed by right-clicking npc before building and in NPC GUI by left-clicking on NPC
Parameters GUI is accessible by droping a npc head in the NPC GUI
Materials GUI is accessible by left-clicking on npc if you are in supply mode and the npc is waiting you to give him all necessary blocks
Excavated GUI is accessible when the npc is building, you can get all excavated blocks with the command: /constructor excavated
A lot of bugs fixes have been made (npc stuck, lagging, ...)
An API have been made, here is the main method: ConstructorAPI.
npcBuild(int npcId, Location location, Float speed, boolean ignoreAir, boolean ignoreLiquid, boolean excavate, ConstructorTrait.BuildPatternsXZ buildPattern, String schematic, Player player)
Fixed blocks that couldn't be obtainable in-game in needed materials
Please report any issues here: