Bug Fix:
- Updated PluginLib to fix hex codes
- Improved tab completion. Now makes suggestions for subcommands.
- Added author name to plugin.yml
- Removed unused code
Bug Fixes:
- Tab completion now only works if the user has permission to execute the command
- Logs that metrics have been enabled only when they have been enabled, rather than every plugin restart
- Added bStats Metrics again, which was accidentally removed in the 2.2.0 refactor.
- Updated PluginLib to handle Metrics.
- plugin.yml now reads the version from the pom.xml file, so the versions are never mismatched
Bug Fix:
- Fixed an error message from being printed when the playerData directory is first created.
- Updated to Spigot 1.21
- Added a "/cc cooldowns" command. By running "/cc cooldowns" a player can see their own current cooldowns, if they have the commandcooldown.cooldowns permission (given by default). Administrators can view other player's cooldowns by running "/cc cooldowns [playerName/UUID]" (permission required is commandcooldown.cooldowns.others).
- Added MySQL Support. Player cooldown data can now be stored locally or with a MySQL database, which can be enabled in the config.yml file.
- The CommandCooldown editor now displays duration in a nice format instead of displaying with only seconds.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed arguments sometimes not being saved properly when adding a command cooldown.
- Fixed messages being sent in chat when filling out prompts in the editor.
- Fixed the calculation for the total number of pages in "/cc help".
- Editing cooldowns with permissions now ignores permissions with the value false. Thanks to
Bug Fixes:
- Prompts are no longer sensitive to chat color, which caused unexpected behavior with formatted chat.
- Small bug fixes
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed arguments saving without spaces in the cooldowns.yml
- Added a new mechanic where all permissions will be taken into account, so the lowest duration permission will take precedent.
- Removed test messages that were left in the plugin
Bug Fix:
- Fixed arguments and aliases being case-sensitive (just make sure your configuration is all lower case).
- Added a new command, /cc removecooldowns [player]. This resets all cooldowns that a player currently has.
- Added support for commands to contain a "*" argument which can represent any argument.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with aliases saving as case-sensitive
- Fixed an issue that prevented cooldown changes with permissions
- Added the api-version to the plugin.yml to remove a warning. This also makes XSeries more reliable.
Bug Fixes:
- Recompiled the plugin to fix a Java version error
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that was produced by attempting to open a GUI asynchronously.
- API Addition
- Added the AliasesEditorGui
- Added color to prompt text
- Minor changes
Bug Fixes:
- Removed test messages from the CooldownService
- Fixed an error that was created when a player sent a command with no arguments
- Added the go back button for the AliasesEditorGui
- Added /cc bypass
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the chat prompts for command labels
- Fixed the Editor GUI not allowing the user to change cooldowns
- Fixed the Editor GUI incorrectly creating commands
- Fixed loading/saving cooldowns when enabling and disabling the plugin
- Fixed cooldowns not applying to players
- Minor changes
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the help page text placeholders
CommandCooldown has been entirely rewritten from the ground up. This rewrite promises better performance, improved GUIs, and a simpler format for editing commands with cooldowns. 2.2.0 is aimed to be reverse compatible with older configs while also bringing improved formats to local files.
This build is still in the beta stage, so if you experience any bugs, please report them to Darrionat's Discord promptly.
- Converted from Eclipse project to Maven project
- Added PluginLib dependency
- Created repositories to handle all file interaction
- Services depend on repositories to function while also having simple functionalities for doing complicated actions
- Decreased the number of commands by adding a new editor GUI where all command cooldown editing takes place
- Added "Prompts" where all information inputted. Originally, it was planned to utilize AnvilGUI in order to request information from the player, but AnvilGUI now requires Java 16. This complication results in difficulty in keeping version compatibility, so for now, chat is still used for inputting information.
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the default cooldowns.yml not being parsed correctly
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed cooldowns being removed when a player leaves the server and rejoins
- v2.1.2 fixed cooldowns.yml not saving
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed commands being saved without a base cooldown
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug of /cc addargs firing both chat events at the same time.
- Fixed arguments not being picked up in a cooldown
- Reimplemented the check to see if a player has a different cooldown with permission. Example:
commandcooldown.home.30 would set the cooldown for /home to 30 seconds for a player instead of the default within cooldowns.yml. This was accidentally removed in v2.0
- Fixed /cc help not displaying the proper commands
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the add alias editor not functioning
- Changed update checker for potential performance boost
- Released to v2.0 with little/no bug reports/found for BETA versions
Please keep in mind that this is a BETA version, meaning the plugin is unstable and most likely has bugs! If you are not wanting to perform bug-testing, please wait until v2.0 is officially released!
- Added commandcooldown.command.list permission
- Updated /cc help
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the message
waitingForAlias message in messages.yml, if you have already installed Beta-1, please delete this message from the config and reload the plugin
TLDR: This update is a major refactoring to CommandCooldown. Your current cooldowns and message customizations will be reset! There will be
new configuration files for both! Please keep in mind that
this is a BETA version, meaning the plugin is unstable and most likely has bugs! If you are not wanting to perform bug-testing, please wait until v2.0 is officially released!
- Majorly refactored plugin
- Added a new messages.yml
- Saves and loads cooldowns on restart
- New editor modes. Type the command once and enter the editor for that action
- Changed the look of /cc list
Bug Fixes
(Not fully completed)
- Fixed players being able to bypass cooldowns by adding arguments
v1.8 Recap
- Added the ability to now change a player's cooldown time with permissions. Add a permission to a player like this example -
commandcooldown.warp_home.30 for a new cooldown of 30 seconds
- Changed the /cc help list a little bit
v1.7 Recap
- Automatically adds a command with arguments to the top of the list. This is to prevent conflicts between cooldowns.
v1.6 Recap
- Added the ability to give players a permission
commandcooldown.bypass.command_name_here in order to bypass a specific command. Make sure the spaces are underscores!
v1.51 Recap
- Fixed
/cd to not show commands that no longer have cooldowns for a player
v1.5 Recap
- Added 3 new messages to config.yml
update them!
Code (YAML):
"&a&l[COMMAND COOLDOWN] &7Only players may use that command"
"&a&l[COMMAND COOLDOWN] &7Commands currently on cooldown"
"&a&l[COMMAND COOLDOWN] &7Currently, you have no commands on a cooldown"
- Added a new command, /cooldowns [/cd] This new command shows a user's active cooldowns
- Changed the /cc help command messages
- Changed time formats
Update v1.42 Recap
- Changed time messages for cooldowns to be dynamic. When greater than a day, messages will display a day value. When under an hour, messages will contain only minutes and seconds.
- Added update message to opped players on player join
Update v1.41 Recap
- Fixed aliases not working
- Fixed arguments not working

v1.4 Recap
- New command
/cc newalias
- Changed /cc add [command] [cooldown] [aliases...] to /cc add [cooldown] [command] [args...]
Meaning commands can now have cooldowns for only arguments. Example: A cooldown on /warp spawn will not stop you from using /warp shop
- Added new message in config.yml.
Make sure you update your config.yml's!
Code (YAML):
"&a&l[COMMAND COOLDOWN] &7Added new alias"
- New help messages format
v1.31 Recap
- Fixed players being able to bypass cooldowns by adding an argument
- Added 1.7.10-1.15 support
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed when bypass message activates
- Fixed Default bypass message
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed /cc list
- Fixed /cc reload showing extra messages.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the error put it console after every command.
- Added a plugin update checker. It will notify you when a new update is out for the plugin.
- Added a reload command
- Added a cooldown bypass command for admins
Changed the plugin.yml. It wouldn't load the plugin because I accidentally put a space in it.