Command Cooldown | 1.7-1.21 | Add Cooldowns to Commands | Prevent Spam | Bungee Support icon

Command Cooldown | 1.7-1.21 | Add Cooldowns to Commands | Prevent Spam | Bungee Support -----

The best plugin for adding cooldowns to commands and preventing spam! 1.7-1.21 support!

Version: 3.0.5
[15:34:46] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ModernPluginLoadingStrategy] Could not load plugin 'CommandCooldown-3.0.5 (6).jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.21
Помогите пожалуйста, что это значит?

Version: 3.0.5
Does not work on version 1.20.4

Add support for version 1.20.4 and I will change the review

Version: 3.0.5
The best plugin cooldown! Looking forward to more updates. Thanks for this plugin..
Author's response
Thank you for the support, very happy you like the plugin! Let me know if you have any questions/requests!

Version: 2.5.0
The best cooldown plugin! Please keep updating! :)
Author's response
Thank you! Version 3.0.1 is now out! Hope you enjoy!

Version: 2.5.0
good ! rating 5 star ....................................................................
Author's response
Thank you! Much appreciated.

Version: 2.5.0
Very simple to use, does the job perfectly, and was easy to apply cooldown stutters to different ranks.
Author's response
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you had an easy time giving different ranks different cooldowns.

Version: 2.5.0
A very good plugin, pretty handy, and most importantly — free. Download it — you will not regret it!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I'm very happy to keep CommandCooldown free for everyone!

Version: 2.3.5
El plugin es muy bueno... Pero... Has pensado en implementar la forma de agregar un cooldown global para los comandos... Todos los jugadores deban esperar cierto tiempo cuando el comando es usado

Version: 2.3.5
Honestly, no problems with our server 5* indeed, using it for /tpr / feed /heal etc :) very simple GUI and very easy to use, would recommend.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I'm glad to hear that you had an easy time using the CommandCooldown Editor!

Version: v2.1.4
Overall, a great plugin, but please, you really should remove that "s" from the numeric seconds.
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion! This has been updated in 3.0 to improve QOL.

Version: v2.1.4
So much bug when we use the command (like : you ask to set arg and response with "this is not a cooldown value") No Mysql connection so, useless with bungeecord.
Author's response
Hi! Thanks for the review! It seems that you may have been typing the incorrect responses to the prompts. Let me know if you're interested. MySQL Support has also been added now!

Version: v2.1.4
Completely broken plugin. I add cooldowns properly and they do not work at all. Not even the default config.

Version: v2.1.4
I really like it but in the future are you going to add a way to reset cooldowns not bypassing but just resetting but other than that one problem it is perfect :).

Version: v2.1.1
Hi! Very cool plugin. It works great besides one thing: When I try to use different cooldowns by using permissions for groups, it does not work. I work with bPermissions, don't know if this is a problem. Would u please give me an example of the permission I have to add, if I want a cooldown for 100 seconds for tpa? Would it be commandcooldown.tpa.100 ? Maybe I overlookes for something. Please help!

Thanks! :)

Version: v2.1.1
Hey, cool plugin!

I have the problem with 1.16.4 that when the player joins the cooldown is deleted for the player and he can execute the command again and so on.

Is there a solution for?

Version: v2.1.1
Yeah! The best plugin that I've ever seen!

it will have the posibility that you can add the option to amdd placeholders for the commands? For example add cooldown for the command /FLY, so when somebody use the FLY command will have to wait the cooldown for use again, it will be useful with placeholders for put it in lores of menus, that way the users can see the time left for use the command again in a menu, the placeholder can be %commandcooldown_{commandname}_timeleft_formatted% or %cc_{commandname}_timeleft% ,
the {commandname} it would be the command that you added the cooldown and "timeleft" returns in the cooldown or time left for use the command again, so when you put the placeholder in the lore of a menu, the user will see the time left. Please add the option :(

Version: v2.1.1
Promising Plugin, but has a lot of bugs and issues currently.

1. plugin.yml does not get created on startup
2. Plugin cannot be used for commands using a user-input
3. When using a bukkit Alias as well as the Alias function of this plugin, the cooldown of the alias seems to count separate from the main command.

1. The First problem is a quick fix by creating the file yourself, so that the basic cooldown function can work.
2. The second problem, is a problem of saving the user input as well as the command for the cooldown in cooldowndata. As an example:
- The /head command takes an input of an username. The saving is done like xxxxxxxxxxxxx/head_username1. The Cooldown only counts for the command with the same user-input. So the cooldown works for [/head username1], but not for [/head username2], since this would issue a new cooldown save.
3. The third problem, when setting an alias /kopf for /head, the cooldown does not work when using the alias.

If I have missed any setting, feel free to tell me, and I will fix up the Review. Without this bugs it would be 5 Star. The Plugin itself is quite promising.
Author's response
Hi SeverusM!

Thanks for the great feedback, I always appreciate feedback that can help me improve the plugin!

In response to these issues you seem to be having:
1. A plugin.yml for plugins are never generated when plugins are started; however, they are contained within the .jar of the file. The only issue I could see is the plugin.yml being incorrectly formatted within the CommandCooldown.jar, if this is what you're talking about, please let me know.

2. I'm a little confused by what you mean here. Maybe we could elaborate together.

3. Did you use the /cc addalias command? If you did, perhaps we can talk about why this isn't working for you.

Also, there is a wiki, the link is

You can also contact me through Discord,
I'll be replying to your comment within the discussion thread as well!

Kind regards,

Version: v2.02
Not recommended. I'm sorry but when I turn off bypass command it still bypasses.
I tried Deoping myself but it still says I bypass it even though I'm in group default without any perms.
Please fix it
Author's response
I apologize for your inconvenience, but there's little to no proof of your claim. If you'd like to expand on this, please go into the discussion tab or in my Discord so we can fix your issue!


Version: v2.02
Extremely unusable and crooked plugin, I do not recommend using.
Author's response
I'm sorry you feel that way! If you have any bug reports you'd like to make, my Discord server is available here -

Thanks for your time!

Version: v2.01
Good plugin, very usefull and perfect, what about adding "one time" command use? Command to allow players use any command only one time! DO IT :3
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
I'll look into your request :)

Version: v2.0
I am short of time after typing the command.

For example, for the / spawn command to work only after 5 seconds after typing, regardless of the movement. I just mean time itself.

If something like this is implemented I will give 5 stars!

For example, after typing / say, the console would display it to players only after 5 seconds.
Author's response
So if I'm correct, you're looking for some type of command delay?
Interesting idea and good feedback!

Version: v2.0
just killed the plugin, now it's impossible to use, return everything as it was, how could it be done so badly?
Author's response
Hey there!
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve found trouble. v2.0 was a complete refactoring of before. If you would like any help, please join my discord server and I can help you convert everything for the new update :)
Also the updates’ changelogs state that the cooldowns would be reset. There was a warning that it will change.
The new structure is much more advanced and readable than the one before. It also fixes a couple bugs with it. Please do join my discord server and I can help you!

Thanks :)

Version: v1.8
Very nice, I have been requested so many times to add cooldowns for commands to CommandPanels (which I have not done) and this plugin does exactly that, very well too. I will be able to recommend this for anyone who asks because it works perfectly :)
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
It's great to see other developers also find great usage of CommandCooldown :) I'm glad this worked well for you!

Version: v1.8
Absolutely amazing plugin! Would be nice to have a feature to add a cooldown on all commands, though!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I'll be looking into adding something like '*' that recognizes everything as an argument or command.

Version: v1.7
Very good plugin, Is there any way to set different cooldowns based on groups? Would be perfect if there is a way to do this or can make that a feature in an update?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! This is now a feature in v1.8 :)

Version: v1.7
Good plugin.
I have report a bug and the creator have fixed this in 15 hours !

Very Professional, polished and fast support guaranteed.

The plugin work perfectly and it's very good and simple.
Author's response
Thank you for your feedback, it helps a lot!
I'm always about helping people out :)
- Darrion

Version: v1.6
Good morning, sir,

For the repair it puts me the cooldown but if I do "repair-all" or "repair_all" he doesn't know that.
So he considers me "repair". How do I do it?
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
I'm not really sure what you mean by him, potentially you mean it?
I'll PM you to help you fix it!
Also, if you would like to join my Discord here's my link -
Thanks again, Darrion

Version: v1.4
Very good plugins, I want to transfer this plug-in to China MineCraft forum MCBBS, I hope you agree, I promise not to leak the.jar file, they will download the original plug-in, I will provide the Chinese configuration file for their reference, I will send a link to you after the transfer.
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
I invite you to our Discord server.

Thank you,

Version: v1.3
It is good but i'd like to set a cooldons for /skull (head) but its not working you can't do /skull thats right but you can give yourself a skull because you write the skull name at the ende of the command. How can i add a cooldown for this?
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
I will start a conversation with you to resolve this issue, thanks for the feedback :)

I invite you to our Discord server.

Thank you,

Version: v1.3
This is a very nice plugin. This is a plugin that works well and helps our server. Thank you for making it.
Author's response
Thank you for the review!
I invite you to our Discord server.

Thank you,

Version: v1.3
This is good for what it is but the ONLY request that would make this a 6 star for me is if you could add commands with spaces like "/cc add island teleport" 10 because I can't add cooldowns for most of my commands on my server because they are multiple words.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I will definitely look into adding this :) Thank you for the feedback

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 19,392
First Release: Dec 24, 2019
Last Update: Aug 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings