Command Cooldown is an administrative plugin for Minecraft servers (support for Bukkit/Spigot and BungeeCord). Administrators can create cooldowns that will make a player wait before they can execute a certain command again. Command Cooldown can be used to help prevent spam as well.
Sync cooldowns through BungeeCord with our MySQL Support
Edit command cooldowns in a GUI editor /cc editor
See your current cooldowns /cc cooldowns
See other player's current cooldowns /cc cooldowns UUID/playerName
Bypass cooldowns with a command /cc bypass
Bypass cooldowns with permissions commandcooldown.bypass.command_here. Example: commandcooldown.bypass.warp_shop
Remove all current cooldowns /cc removecooldowns playerName
Automatic time formatting in plugin messages and the GUI Editor
Customizable messages in messages.yml
Automatically checks for updates
Automatically updates config.yml every new update
Add aliases to commands! Example: /cc and /commandcooldown are aliases for the same command
Text prompts to help create Command Cooldowns
Automatic time formatting (s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=day, w=week, y=year).
Change cooldowns via permissions. Example: commandcooldown.warp_home.30 will set the player's default cooldown for /warp home to 30 seconds.
Additional Images
Code (YAML):
# If enabled, the plugin will check for available updates when enabled checkUpdates: true
# Informs a player know when they are bypassing a cooldown sendBypassMessage: true
# Database support mysql:
enabled: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: name
username: root
password: password
bypassCooldown: '&eBypassing cooldowns'
noLongerBypassing: '&eNo longer bypassing cooldowns'
onCooldown: '&cYou still have &e
%time% &cleft on that command' reload: "&eReloading all configs" resetCooldowns: '&aReset
%player%s cooldowns' errors:
noPermission: '&cYou do not have the permission &e
%perm%' onlyPlayers: '&cOnly players can use that command!'
useOnlinePlayerOrUUID: '&cUse a UUID or name of an online player!'
baseMessage: - '&a&lCommand Cooldown
%version%' - ' &7/cc help'
helpHeader: '&a&lHelp Page &f
%page%&7/&f%pageAmount%' activeCooldowns:
header: '&a
%player%s Active Cooldowns:' commandWithActiveCooldown: '&e
%command%' remainingTime: ' &e
%time% &aremaining' noActiveCooldowns: '&a
%player% has no active cooldowns' commands:
editor: '&a/cc editor &7- Opens up the cooldown editor'
bypass: '&a/cc bypass &7 - Bypass
all cooldowns'
cooldowns: '&a/cc cooldowns
] - View a players active cooldowns'
removecooldowns: '&a/cc removecooldowns
] - Resets a players cooldowns'
reload: '&a/cc reload &7- Reloads
all configs'