CoinsEngine ⭐ Economy and Custom Currencies icon

CoinsEngine ⭐ Economy and Custom Currencies -----

Create virtual currencies with custom commands and Vault support!

1. Reset config.yml
2. Do a backup of /stores/ folder.

[Added] Purchase confirmation GUI.
[Added] Product purchase cooldown instead of 'One Time Purchase' option.
[Added] Product 'Name' and 'Description' options.
[Added] Product lore format in the config.
[Added] An option to set global custom name for Game Points and use it with a placeholder.
[Added] 'removepurchase' command.
[Added] Placeholders '%gamepoints_top_player_pos%', '%gamepoints_top_balance_pos%' where 'pos' is position in top.
[Added] Placeholder '%gamepoints_balance_formatted%' that displays short amount of points, like 10k.
[Added] Permissions for all plugin commands.

[Fixed] A few fixes for product price inheritance options.
[Fixed] A bit corrected default lang messages.
[Fixed] Code refactor and optimization.
----------, Oct 8, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 30,330
First Release: Sep 23, 2020
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
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