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ClaimChunk -----

Spigot plugin for 1.8+ allowing the claiming of chunks.

Major thanks to @AlexFF000 for contributing this entire release!

This update allows individual permissions to be granted on a per-chunk basis. These changes required a major overhaul
of the internal workings of the plugin. The commands have changed, and there have been some changes to the format used
to store the data.

Players will not need to make any changes to their claims as a result of this update; the data conversion process will
convert any existing accesses in such a way that they will continue to function as they did in 0.0.23.

Note: The messages.json and world.txt files may need to be recreated due to new additions to them in this update.
For English language, this can be done by deleting them and running the server. Remember to transfer any custom config
to the new world.txt files after they are recreated.

  • Access is now granted on a per-chunk basis, a chunk owner can grant another player access to only specific chunks
    rather than all of their chunks.
    • When the data is converted from the 0.0.23 format, a player that has previously been given access by a chunk owner
      will continue to have access to all the owner's chunks.
  • Players are now granted specific permissions on the chunks that they have access to (so for instance, a player could
    be granted permission to place blocks in a chunk, but not break them).
    • These permissions are:
      • break: Allow the player to break blocks
      • place: Allow the player to place blocks
      • doors: Allow the player to open / close doors and trapdoors
      • redstone: Allow the player to press buttons, levers, pressure plates etc...
      • interactVehicles: Allow the player to interact with mine carts and boats
      • interactEntities: Allow the player to interact with other entities (also allow the player to throw ender pearls
        even if preventPearlFromClaims is true in the world profile)
      • interactBlocks: Allow the player to interact with blocks
      • useContainers: Allow the player to open:
        • Chests
        • Trapped chests
        • Barrels
        • Furnaces
        • Dispensers and droppers
        • Hoppers
        • Brewing stands
  • Commands:
    • The changes have involved significant changes to the /chunk access command; it has now been split into three
      • /chunk access <player> [break:true/false] [place:true/false] [doors:true/false] [redstone:true/false] [interactVehicles:true/false] [interactEntities:true/false] [interactBlocks:true/false] [useContainers:true/false] [allChunks:true/false]
        • Give a player permissions on a chunk (or modify their existing permissions)
        • All arguments except player are optional, and can be provided in any order
        • If allChunks:true is provided, the changes will be made to all the executing player's chunks. If false
          (the default) the changes will apply only to the chunk the player is currently standing in (if it belongs
          to them)
        • Any permissions not specified will retain their existing values (e.g. if the command is run without the doors
          option, the player's existing doors permission will remain unchanged) or will default to true if the player does
          not have access to the chunk already.
        • usage example: /chunk access examplePlayer break:true place:false allChunks:true
      • /chunk checkaccess [<player>]
        • List the permissions the given player has on the chunk where the executor is standing
        • If no player is provided, lists the permissions of all players with access to the chunk
      • /chunk revokeaccess <player> [ALL CHUNKS? true/false]
        • Revoke the given player's access to the chunk
        • If all chunks is true, the player's access will be revoked from all the executor's chunks. Otherwise, only the
          one they are standing in (if they are the owner)
        • Usage example: /chunk revokeaccess examplePlayer false
  • Removed "am_trusted" placeholder
  • Added new "CONTAINER" block class
  • Added trapdoors to "DOOR" block class
  • Added boats to "VEHICLES" entity class
  • Changed default world profile permissions for players in claimed chunks who have not been granted access:
    • Interacting with vehicles and monsters is now disallowed
    • Damaging monsters is now disallowed
    • Interacting with redstone is now disallowed
----------, May 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 28,887
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jun 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
65 ratings
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