Cinematic Studio | Cutscenes Creation Tool icon

Cinematic Studio | Cutscenes Creation Tool -----

Create cinematic cutscenes using this powerful tool

Update 1.2.0
Hey! Here is an update containing a few new features.

  • Added support for CustomModelData in the new npc menu meaning your NPCs can now carry items with a CustomModelData tag so you can show custom items through a resource pack.
  • Added the option for the NPC in the cutscene to have the skin of the player viewing the cutscene. Do this by setting the skin owner to '%player%' in the new npc menu.
  • Added the option for the NPC in the cutscene to have the name of the player viewing the cutscene. Do this by setting the name option in the new npc menu to '%player%'.
  • Added a new 'General Settings' menu accessible via the main timeline menu. In this new menu there are 3 new options
  • Stop Cutscene on Sneak: If toggled will stop the cutscene if the player sneaks.
  • Return to start position: If toggled will teleport the player back to the location they were at when they started the cutscene.
  • Repeating Cutscene: Keeps repeating the cutscene until the player sneaks. Make sure you also toggle the Stop Cutscene on Sneak on because else there is no way to get out of the cutscene apart from logging out or running the admin command /studio stop.
I really hope you enjoy this update and please keep sending me suggestions.
----------, Nov 22, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 860
First Release: Feb 27, 2021
Last Update: Feb 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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