This is mostly a quality of life update, with several optional new features and a couple obligatory bug fixes. Hope you like it!
- Added optional extended start command syntax, which can be used to simultaneously select and start a task immediately:
start [world] [shape] [<centerX> <centerZ>] [radius] [radiusZ].
- Added optional
[world] argument to the
continue, and
cancel commands to allow better control over specific tasks.
- Added support for suffixed numeric inputs in all commands. For example,
radius 10000,
radius 10k, and
radius 625c are all equivalent.
- Added Pl3xMap integration (requires further setup with
ChunkyBorder +
Pl3xMap to use).
- Updates to the Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish translations.
- Fixed bStats reporting incompatible servers.
- Fixed repeated tab completions in the world selection command.
- Fixed issue with several tasks being able to be run simultaneously for a single world.