World's can now be blacklisted to prevent players from opening or creating chests in that world. See 'world-blacklist:' in the config.
Added new permissions for remote opening of chests/autocrafters using the /cl open command. Permission values are: 'chestlink.remote-open' & 'chestlink.autocraft.remote-open'
Bug Fixes
Fixed Hopper filtering when more than one item frame was being used.
Fixed display issues for Bone, Blaze rods, Wheat, and others.
Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to create ChestLinks/AutoCrafters in places where the air was cave_air instead.
Changed recipe serialization and config load method to improve compatibility with other plugins that added recipes.
Fixed chunk loading issues. Chunks that contained ChestLinks/AutoCrafters were being kept loaded. This meant that all storage systems were acting as chunk loaders, everything is now checked on a per chunk basis.
Added missing armor stand setting for display items in the config.
Fixes for sign bug when more than 64 signs get updated in a chunk that caused flickering, this indirectly lead to lots of other improvements in performance:
TileEntities now get cached, so opening storage systems that include lots of chests no longer take up so many resources per tick.
Armour stands no longer calculate unneeded location and positions.
Material checker booleans are also cached instead of being recalculated every tick
AutoCrafters now only craft in loaded chunks.
Fix for ChestLinks not being converted to single chests when a block is on top of the DoubleChest.