1. Added protection against exploits
2. Added packet protection (ProtocolLib is now required for the plugin)
3. Modified config for easier setup
4. Added BossBar
5. Added bStats
6. Added support for UltimateServerProtector
7. Added new password verification
8. Titles can now be disabled
9. Added effect settings for different types of verification and after all verifications
10. Added ability to delete messages with buttons after they are pressed
11. Added ignore lists for kick and ban
12. Redesigned types (now more convenient, not in the form of 1_2_3 but as a list 1, 2 and 3)
13. Added time zone setting (for logs)
14. Added ability to block all commands
15. Fixed a bug with the sign change event on 1.20 which was only added in 1.20.1
16. Added support for 1.12.2 and above
17. Added API class: CatAntiCrashAPI and additional classes to check player verification status
18. Plugin code is now in multiple files for convenience, file separation was done in a way that doesn't compromise protection security
19. Added support for 1.12.2 and above
20. The plugin is now distributed as a zip archive containing the plugin itself and all dependencies except LuckPerms and ProtocolLib
21. Added English instructions for creating CatJDA: en_Create_CatJDA.md