Action bar add, /bulpearl rl alias add, and message
If you do the update you will have to regenerate your config.yml or add the changes manually (see below)
Added a visual of the cooldown in the action bar (just above the life and food bar)
You can send a message to the player when the cooldown is over
Added /bulpearl rl alias for the command /bulpearl reload
Code (Text):
#If you want disable a message or actionbar, leave the inside of the "" empty (do not delete the "")
UsePearl: "&aYou just used an enderpearl to teleport"
OnCooldown: "&cYou have to wait %time% before using again an EnderPearl"
EndCooldown: "&aYou can now us again an enderpearl"
reload: "&a[BULpearl] config reload"
reload_noperm: "&c[BULpearl] you don't have the permission to reload the config"
OnCooldown: "&cYou can reuse an enderpearl in &e%time%s"
EndCooldown: "&aYou can now use again an EnderPearl"