- [✔️] NEW! Spigot optimization when sending the player's head in the chat
- [✔️] NEW! Added a custom message when a player executes an unknown command
- [✔️] NEW! All config.yml settings have completely changed.
- [✔️] NEW! New message designs when a player executes a blocked command.
- [✔️] NEW! Sound api update now supports all minecraft 1.16 sounds
- [✔️] NEW! Materials api update now supports all items in minecraft 1.16
- [✔️] NEW! Discord bot's state method has been updated there are two types (PLAYERS, CUSTOM)
- [✔️] NEW! Now it is no longer used (Spicord) now we have our own API!
- [✔️] NEW! Now you can say goodbye to dependencies, now you can use BPS Premium without any dependency, except for (ProtocolLib in case of servers 1.8.8-1.12)
- [✔️] NEW! Now in (Commands.yml) you can send messages without the player's head
- [✔️] NEW! Now all messages can be sent without using the player's head!
- [✔️] NEW! Fixed does not send commands to the console when a player executes a blocked word (Bungeecord)
- [✔️] NEW! Now the tab has been redesigned in versions 1.13-1.16 there are now two types (SUGGESTIONS) to show suggestions (CLEAR_TAB) to block the whole tab completely.
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete your config.yml
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete your translation files.
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete your Swear.yml
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete your Commands.yml