This patch brings a lot of new Stuff.
I added random sound during blood night and at start and end of a blood night. Thanks to frank24 for the suggestions.
I also fixed some incompatibilities with mythic mobs.
I also added some placeholders. Requests are welcome here.
Also the mob names can now be globally defined in the locale. Just set the mob name in mob settings to a blank string to use them.
And more...
As always. Suggestions and Feedback are very welcome ^^
+ Added random sound during blood night
+ Added sounds on start and end of a blood night
+ Added some compatibility for mythic mobs. Thanks for not helping MM devs :3 Thanks to frank24 for pointing out.
+ Added 4 Placeholder API placeholders (Request more if you want)
+ Added default mob names in locale. Set Mob Names in setting to empty string to use them.
* Updated spanish and chinese local. Thanks to xutte and XiaoMoMi
* Fixed a typo in usage message. Thanks to Kartoonbaab