Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For BettingGames v1.12.0 :
Added :
(#22) Option 'max_concurrent_games' in config.yml (default is -1, disabled).
Fixed :
(#21) Fixed an issue where a RPS game wouldn't stop correctly and update cooldowns.
(#20) (?) Lag spikes when creating ranking GUI.
For GCore v7.10.2 :
Fixed :
(QC #294) Material EMPTY_MAP wasn't recognized.
Some editor menus wouldn't update the thing, or simply not changing it at all when changing type.
Some editor menus had no back arrow when changing type.