All the config, commands, permissions, and the language system have changed. New options were added, and others were removed.
A new action bar state was added with emojis to simulate new bars. You can customize it or even disable it.
The drinks are now fully customizable.
The sleep feature was removed since Spigot implemented sleep checks in version 1.16. By default, all survival and non-AFK players must sleep to pass the night.
New drinks and other options related to thirst are coming, including a new state of alcoholism.
* Added a new option "players_can_toggle", so now players can enable/disable thirst, fatigue for itself
* Changes to the messages, a new file "lang.yml" was created.
Please, backup and edit your new config.
* Added two new placeholders: %betterthings_thirst_mode% and %betterthings_fatigue_mode%
* This plugin allready support 1.17
* Added CMI support
When more than 33% of connected players who are not in survival and are not afk, sleep, the night will pass
The new config path
enable: true
New messages
playersleep: 'Players sleeping: '
tochangeday: '&7A total of &c%sleeping%&8/%total%&7 players have slept, being more than 33%&c(%percent%), &7the night will pass soon'
newday: 'Enough players slept, good morning...'